function rooms_date_range_fields in Rooms - Drupal Booking for Hotels, B&Bs and Vacation Rentals 7
Utility function to create two related datepickers.
We have a few forms that need a start and end date field and we need to apply the same javascript to these forms in order to have a specific consistent behaviour and groups the form elements and javascript injection in one place.
int $year:
int $month:
Return value
array The array holding the field definitions
6 calls to rooms_date_range_fields()
- rooms_availability_update_status_form in modules/
rooms_availability/ rooms_availability.module - Form to manage the availability for specific month.
- rooms_booking_availability_search_form_builder in modules/
rooms_booking_manager/ - Form callback for rooms_booking_availability_search_form_builder.
- rooms_booking_edit_form in modules/
rooms_booking/ - Form callback: create or edit a booking.
- rooms_pricing_update_form in modules/
rooms_pricing/ rooms_pricing.module - Form to manage the room units pricing.
- update_availability_calendar_form in modules/
rooms_availability/ rooms_availability.module - A basic form that allows us to update the state of the calendar.
- ./
rooms.module, line 835 - Provides basic underlying functionality and configuration options used by all Rooms modules
function rooms_date_range_fields($year = NULL, $month = NULL) {
$date_range_fields = array();
$date_format = variable_get('rooms_date_format', 'd-m-Y');
// Create unique ids and selectors for each picker.
$start_date_id = drupal_html_id('datepicker-start-date');
$start_date_selector = '#' . $start_date_id . ' .form-text';
$end_date_id = drupal_html_id('datepicker-end-date');
$end_date_selector = '#' . $start_date_id . ' .form-text';
$days_in_advance = '+' . variable_get('rooms_booking_start_date', 1) . 'd';
// Allow users with the "make same-day bookings" permission to make
// bookings starting on any day.
if (user_access('make same-day bookings')) {
$days_in_advance = '+0d';
// Specify the default datepicker parameters (see date_popup_element_info())
$datepicker_options = array(
'dateFormat' => date_popup_format_to_popup($date_format),
// Limit bookings to X days in advance, depending on the
// chosen configuration in your Rooms installation, defaults
// to one day in advance.
'minDate' => $days_in_advance,
if ($year && $month) {
// Calculate min and max dates of the specified year/month.
$date = new DateTime();
->setDate($year, $month, 01);
$min_date = $date
->modify('last day of this month');
$max_date = $date
$datepicker_options += array(
'minDate' => $min_date,
'maxDate' => $max_date,
'defaultDate' => $min_date,
'numberOfMonths' => 1,
else {
$datepicker_options += array(
'minDate' => $days_in_advance,
$date_range_fields['rooms_start_date'] = array(
'#prefix' => '<div class="form-wrapper rooms-date-range"><div class="start-date" id="' . $start_date_id . '">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
'#type' => 'date_popup',
'#title' => variable_get_value('rooms_arrival_date'),
'#date_type' => DATE_DATETIME,
'#date_format' => $date_format,
'#date_increment' => 1,
'#date_year_range' => '-1:+3',
// Default parameters defined above, with an additional parameter
// linking to the jQuery selector for the end datepicker.
'#datepicker_options' => array_merge($datepicker_options, array(
'endDateSelector' => $end_date_selector,
'#required' => TRUE,
$start_day = variable_get('rooms_booking_start_date', 1);
// Allow users with the "make same-day bookings" permission to make
// bookings starting on any day.
if (user_access('make same-day bookings')) {
$start_day = '0';
$date_range_fields['rooms_end_date'] = array(
'#prefix' => '<div class="end-date" id="' . $end_date_id . '">',
'#suffix' => '</div></div>',
'#type' => 'date_popup',
'#title' => variable_get_value('rooms_departure_date'),
'#date_type' => DATE_DATETIME,
'#date_format' => $date_format,
'#date_increment' => 1,
'#date_year_range' => '-1:+3',
// Default parameters defined above, with an additional parameter
// parameter linking to the jQuery selector for the start datepicker.
'#datepicker_options' => array_merge($datepicker_options, array(
'startDateSelector' => $start_date_selector,
'#required' => TRUE,
'#attached' => array(
'css' => array(
drupal_get_path('module', 'rooms') . '/css/rooms_date_range_fields.css',
'js' => array(
drupal_get_path('module', 'rooms') . '/js/rooms_date_popup.js',
'data' => array(
'rooms' => array(
'roomsStartYear' => $year,
'roomsStartMonth' => $month,
'roomsBookingStartDay' => $start_day,
'roomsDateFormat' => date_popup_format_to_popup($date_format),
// Here we create a listing of all datepickers registered on the
// current page. This is available for use in your own custom
// jQuery scripts as Drupal.settings.rooms.datepickers.
'datepickers' => array(
$start_date_selector => array(
'endDateSelector' => $end_date_selector,
'type' => 'setting',
return $date_range_fields;