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function hook_rooms_entity_access_condition_ENTITY_TYPE_alter in Rooms - Drupal Booking for Hotels, B&Bs and Vacation Rentals 7

Allows modules to alter the conditions used on the query to grant view access to a Rooms entity of the specified ENTITY TYPE.

The Rooms module defines a generic implementation of hook_query_alter() to determine view access for its entities, rooms_entity_access_query_alter(). This function is called by modules defining Rooms entities from their view access altering functions to apply a standard set of permission based conditions for determining a user's access to view the given entity.


$conditions: The OR conditions group used for the view access query.

$context: An array of contextual information including:

  • account: the account whose access to view the entity is being checked
  • entity_type: the type of entity in the query
  • base_table: the name of the table for the entity type

See also



./rooms.api.php, line 60
This file contains no working PHP code; it exists to provide additional documentation for doxygen as well as to document hooks in the standard Drupal manner.


function hook_rooms_entity_access_condition_ENTITY_TYPE_alter() {

  // No example.