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class AvailabilityAgent in Rooms - Drupal Booking for Hotels, B&Bs and Vacation Rentals 7

An AvailabilityAgent provides access to the availability functionality of Rooms and lets you query for availability, get pricing information and create products that can be bought.

The Agent is essentially a factory creating the appropriate responses for us as needed based on the requests and the current status of our bookable units.

An Agent reasons over a single set of information regarding a booking which are exposed as public variables to make it easy for us to set and or change them.


Expanded class hierarchy of AvailabilityAgent


modules/rooms_booking/includes/, line 19
Contains the AvailabilityAgent.

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class AvailabilityAgent {

   * The start date for availability search.
   * @var DateTime
  public $start_date;

   * The departure date
   * @var DateTime
  public $end_date;

   * How many people we are looking to accommodate.
   * @var array
  public $booking_parameters;

   * How many booking units are we looking for.
   * @var int
  public $booking_units;

   * The states to consider valid for an availability search.
   * @var array
  public $valid_states;

   * What unit types we are looking for.
   * @var array
  public $unit_types;

   * Stores available rooms for each booking_parameters.
   * @var array
  public $rooms_results = array();

   * Stores first valid rooms combination for booking_parameters in input.
   * @var array
  public $valid_rooms_combination = array();

   * Standard availability search returns a unit as available only if in one of the
   * valid availability states. This switch reverts the behaviour to return a
   * unit as availability if a state not defined in valid_states within the
   * date range provided. This is particularly useful if looking for unknown state
   * values within a given date range (e.g. search for any bookings within a date range).
   * @var boolean
  public $revert_valid_states = FALSE;

   * Construct the AvailabilityAgent instance.
   * @param DateTime $start_date
   *   The start date.
   * @param DateTime $end_date
   *   The end date.
   * @param array $booking_parameters
   *   Parameters to include in the search.
   * @param int $booking_units
   *   Number of units to book.
   * @param array $valid_states
   *   Valid states to perform the availability search.
   * @param array $unit_types
   *   Unit types to perform the search.
   * @param boolean $revert_valid_states
   *  If true availability is return if states other than the valid ones exist in date range
  public function __construct($start_date, $end_date, $booking_parameters = array(), $booking_units = 1, $valid_states = array(
  ), $unit_types = array(), $revert_valid_states = FALSE) {
    $this->valid_states = $valid_states;
    $this->start_date = $start_date;

    // For availability purposes the end date is a day earlier than checkout.
    $this->end_date = clone $end_date;
      ->sub(new DateInterval('P1D'));
    $this->booking_parameters = $booking_parameters;
    $this->booking_units = $booking_units;
    $this->unit_types = $unit_types;
    $this->revert_valid_states = $revert_valid_states;

   * Sets the valid states for an availability search.
   * Defaults are "ROOMS_AVAILABLE" and "ROOMS_ON_REQUEST"
   * @param array $states
   *   The valid states to perform the search.
  public function setValidStates($states = array(
  )) {
    $this->valid_states = $states;

   * Searches for availability inside a set of bookable units.
   * This function is used to recursively iterate over sets of rooms identifying
   * whether there is a solution across the sets that has at least one option in
   * each set.
   * @param array $rooms_results
   *   Bookable units to perform the search.
  private function searchForAvailability($rooms_results) {
    $rooms_results_keys = array_keys($rooms_results);
    $el_key = array_shift($rooms_results_keys);
    if (!isset($rooms_results[$el_key])) {
      return 0;
    $candidate_keys = array_keys($rooms_results[$el_key]);
    if (empty($candidate_keys)) {
      return 0;
    foreach ($candidate_keys as $c_key) {
      $tmp_rooms_results = $rooms_results;
      foreach ($tmp_rooms_results as $key => $value) {
        if (isset($tmp_rooms_results[$key][$c_key]) && $key != $el_key) {

      // Combination fails, rollback and try a new combination.
      if (empty($tmp_rooms_results[$el_key])) {
        return 0;
      $this->valid_rooms_combination[] = $tmp_rooms_results[$el_key][$c_key];
      if (empty($tmp_rooms_results)) {
        return 1;

      // Call recursively this function.
      $return = $this
      if ($return == 1) {
        return $return;

   * Checks the availability.
   * If valid units exist an array keyed by valid unit ids containing unit and
   * the states it holds during the requested period or a message as to what
   * caused the failure.
   * @param bool $confirmed
   *   Whether include confirmed states or not.
   * @return array|int
   *   Bookable units remaining after the filter, error code otherwise.
  public function checkAvailability($confirmed = FALSE) {

    // Determine the types of rooms that qualify - the sleeping potential of the
    // sum of the rooms should satisfy the group size.
    // If no booking_parameters or no group size get all available units.
    if ($this->booking_parameters == array() || $this->booking_units == 0) {
      $results = $this
      if ($results == ROOMS_NO_ROOMS) {
        return ROOMS_NO_ROOMS;
    else {
      $this->rooms_results = array();
      foreach ($this->booking_parameters as $key => $parameter) {
        $adults = 0;
        $children = 0;
        if (isset($parameter['adults'])) {
          $adults = $parameter['adults'];
        if (isset($parameter['children'])) {
          $children = $parameter['children'];
        $this->rooms_results[$key] = $this
          ->applyAvailabilityFilter(array(), $adults, $children, $confirmed);
      if (!empty($this->rooms_results)) {
        $this->valid_rooms_combination = array();

        // If a valid combination exist for booking request.
        if ($this
          ->searchForAvailability($this->rooms_results) == 1) {
          $results = array();
          foreach ($this->rooms_results as $result) {
            $results = $results + $result;
        else {
          return ROOMS_NO_ROOMS;
      else {
        return ROOMS_NO_ROOMS;

    // Of the rooms that fit the criteria lets see what availability we have.
    $units = $this
    if (count($units) == 0) {
      return ROOMS_NO_ROOMS;
    else {
      return $units;

   * Returns availability for a specific unit.
   * @param int $unit_id
   *   Bookable unit to check availability for.
   * @param array $price_modifiers
   *   Price modifiers to apply.
   * @return array|int
   *   Bookable unit if available, error code otherwise.
  public function checkAvailabilityForUnit($unit_id, $price_modifiers = array()) {

    // Load the unit.
    $unit = rooms_unit_load($unit_id);
    $units = $this
      $unit_id => $unit,
    ), $price_modifiers);
    $units = array_pop($units);
    $units = array_pop($units);
    if (count($units) == 0) {
      return ROOMS_NO_ROOMS;
    else {
      return $units;

   * Applies the availability filter against a set of bookable units.
   * @param array $units
   *   Set of bookable units to filter.
   * @param int $adults
   *   Number of adults.
   * @param int $children
   *   Number of children.
   * @param bool $confirmed
   *   Whether include confirmed states or not.
   * @return array|int
   *   bookable units remaining after the filter, error code otherwise.
  protected function applyAvailabilityFilter($units = array(), $adults = 0, $children = 0, $confirmed = FALSE) {

    // Apply AvailabilityAgentSizeFilter.
    $av_sizefilter = new AvailabilityAgentSizeFilter($units, array(
      'group_size' => $adults,
      'group_size_children' => $children,
      'unit_types' => $this->unit_types,
    $units = $av_sizefilter
    if ($units == ROOMS_SIZE_FAILURE) {
      return array();

    // Apply AvailabilityAgentSingleUnitFilter.
    $av_singleunitfilter = new AvailabilityAgentSingleUnitFilter($units, array(
      'start_date' => $this->start_date,
      'end_date' => $this->end_date,
    $units = $av_singleunitfilter

    // Apply AvailabilityAgentDateFilter.
    $av_datefilter = new AvailabilityAgentDateFilter($units, array(
      'start_date' => $this->start_date,
      'end_date' => $this->end_date,
      'valid_states' => $this->valid_states,
      'confirmed' => $confirmed,
      'revert_valid_states' => $this->revert_valid_states,
    $units = $av_datefilter
    if (empty($units)) {
      return array();

    // Apply AvailabilityAgentCommerceFilter.
    if (variable_get('rooms_use_commerce_filter', '1')) {
      $av_commercefilter = new AvailabilityAgentCommerceFilter($units, array(
        'start_date' => $this->start_date,
        'end_date' => $this->end_date,
      $units = $av_commercefilter
    $filters = ctools_get_plugins('rooms_booking', 'availabilityagent_filter');
    foreach ($filters as $filter) {
      $class = ctools_plugin_get_class($filter, 'handler');
      $object_filter = new $class($units, array(
        'start_date' => $this->start_date,
        'end_date' => $this->end_date,
        'group_size' => $adults,
        'group_size_children' => $children,
        'unit_types' => $this->unit_types,
        'valid_states' => $this->valid_states,
        'confirmed' => $confirmed,
      $units = $object_filter
    return $units;

   * Returns the units array in a specific format based on price.
   * @param array $results
   *   Units to sort.
   * @param array $price_modifiers
   *   Price modifiers.
   * @return array
   *   Units in a price based structure.
  protected function getUnitsByPriceType($results, $price_modifiers = array()) {
    $units = array();
    if (count($results) > 0) {
      foreach ($results as $unit) {

        // Get the actual entity.
        $unit = rooms_unit_load($unit->unit_id);

        // Get a calendar and check availability.
        $rc = new UnitCalendar($unit->unit_id);

        // We need to make this based on user-set vars.
        // Rather than using $rc->stateAvailability we will get the states check
        // directly as different states will impact on what products we create.
        $states = $rc
          ->getStates($this->start_date, $this->end_date);

        // Calculate the price as well to add to the array.
        $temp_end_date = clone $this->end_date;
          ->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
        $booking_info = array(
          'start_date' => clone $this->start_date,
          'end_date' => $temp_end_date,
          'unit' => $unit,
          'booking_parameters' => $this->booking_parameters,

        // Give other modules a chance to change the price modifiers.
        $current_price_modifiers = $price_modifiers;
        drupal_alter('rooms_price_modifier', $current_price_modifiers, $booking_info);
        $price_calendar = new UnitPricingCalendar($unit->unit_id, $current_price_modifiers);
        if (variable_get('rooms_price_calculation', ROOMS_PER_NIGHT) == ROOMS_PER_PERSON && count($this->booking_parameters) == 1 && isset($this->booking_parameters[0]) && is_array($this->booking_parameters)) {
          $price_log = $price_calendar
            ->calculatePrice($this->start_date, $this->end_date, $this->booking_parameters[0]['adults'], $this->booking_parameters[0]['children'], $this->booking_parameters[0]['childrens_age']);
        else {
          $price_log = $price_calendar
            ->calculatePrice($this->start_date, $this->end_date);
        $full_price = $price_log['full_price'];
        $units[$unit->type][$full_price][$unit->unit_id]['unit'] = $unit;
        $units[$unit->type][$full_price][$unit->unit_id]['price'] = $full_price;
        $units[$unit->type][$full_price][$unit->unit_id]['booking_price'] = $price_log['booking_price'];
        $units[$unit->type][$full_price][$unit->unit_id]['price_log'] = $price_log['log'];
        if (in_array(ROOMS_ON_REQUEST, $states)) {
          $units[$unit->type][$full_price][$unit->unit_id]['state'] = ROOMS_ON_REQUEST;
        else {
          $units[$unit->type][$full_price][$unit->unit_id]['state'] = ROOMS_AVAILABLE;

    // We order units by optional items to ensure that units with options are
    // the first to be picked by a user.
    $units = $this
    return $units;

   * Ordering units by the optional items that are available.
   * @param array $units
   *   Units to sort.
   * @return array
   *   Sorted units by number of options.
  protected function orderByOptionals($units) {
    foreach ($units as $type => $v) {
      foreach ($v as $price => $value) {
        uasort($value, array(
        $units[$type][$price] = $value;
    return $units;

   * Compares two bookable units based on the number of available options.
   * @param array $unit_a
   *   First unit.
   * @param array $unit_b
   *   Second unit.
   * @return int
   *   Comparison result.
  protected static function compareByOptionals($unit_a, $unit_b) {
    $a_items = rooms_unit_get_unit_options($unit_a['unit']);
    $b_items = rooms_unit_get_unit_options($unit_b['unit']);
    if (count($a_items) == count($b_items)) {
      return $unit_a['unit']->unit_id < $unit_b['unit']->unit_id ? 1 : -1;
    else {
      return count($a_items) < count($b_items) ? 1 : -1;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
AvailabilityAgent::$booking_parameters public property How many people we are looking to accommodate.
AvailabilityAgent::$booking_units public property How many booking units are we looking for.
AvailabilityAgent::$end_date public property The departure date
AvailabilityAgent::$revert_valid_states public property Standard availability search returns a unit as available only if in one of the valid availability states. This switch reverts the behaviour to return a unit as availability if a state not defined in valid_states within the date range provided. This is…
AvailabilityAgent::$rooms_results public property Stores available rooms for each booking_parameters.
AvailabilityAgent::$start_date public property The start date for availability search.
AvailabilityAgent::$unit_types public property What unit types we are looking for.
AvailabilityAgent::$valid_rooms_combination public property Stores first valid rooms combination for booking_parameters in input.
AvailabilityAgent::$valid_states public property The states to consider valid for an availability search.
AvailabilityAgent::applyAvailabilityFilter protected function Applies the availability filter against a set of bookable units.
AvailabilityAgent::checkAvailability public function Checks the availability.
AvailabilityAgent::checkAvailabilityForUnit public function Returns availability for a specific unit.
AvailabilityAgent::compareByOptionals protected static function Compares two bookable units based on the number of available options.
AvailabilityAgent::getUnitsByPriceType protected function Returns the units array in a specific format based on price.
AvailabilityAgent::orderByOptionals protected function Ordering units by the optional items that are available.
AvailabilityAgent::searchForAvailability private function Searches for availability inside a set of bookable units.
AvailabilityAgent::setValidStates public function Sets the valid states for an availability search.
AvailabilityAgent::__construct public function Construct the AvailabilityAgent instance.