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function hook_rooms_availability_update in Rooms - Drupal Booking for Hotels, B&Bs and Vacation Rentals 7

Notifies subscribing modules of changes to the availability calendar. This allows modules to react to changes.


array $response - The response generated from the availability: calendar on a per-event basis Response 100 - Event blocked Response 200 - Event update Response 300 - Wrong unit

array $events - The events that were sent to the availability: calendar to be changed.

1 invocation of hook_rooms_availability_update()
UnitCalendar::updateCalendar in modules/rooms_availability/includes/
Given an array of RoomEvents the calendar is updated with regards to the events that are relevant to the Unit this calendar refers to


modules/rooms_availability/rooms_availability.api.php, line 23
This file contains no working PHP code; it exists to provide additional documentation for doxygen as well as to document hooks in the standard Drupal manner.


function hook_rooms_availability_update($response, $events) {
  foreach ($events as $event) {
    if ($response[$event->id] == ROOMS_UPDATED) {
      $unit_affected = rooms_unit_load($event->unit_id);