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function _og_role_watchdog_remove_role in Role Watchdog 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 modules/og_role_watchdog/og_role_watchdog.module \_og_role_watchdog_remove_role()
3 calls to _og_role_watchdog_remove_role()
og_role_watchdog_og_membership_delete in modules/og_role_watchdog/og_role_watchdog.module
Implements hook_og_membership_delete().
og_role_watchdog_og_membership_update in modules/og_role_watchdog/og_role_watchdog.module
Implements hook_og_membership_update().
_og_role_watchdog_process_role_changes in modules/og_role_watchdog/og_role_watchdog.module
Internal function


modules/og_role_watchdog/og_role_watchdog.module, line 243
Logs changes to user roles.


function _og_role_watchdog_remove_role($rid, $account, $gid, $action = ROLE_WATCHDOG_ROLE_REMOVE) {
  global $user;
  $group = entity_load_single('node', $gid);

  //@todo: not sure we need the next line? If it was the case that these were just the defaults for this particular

  // group only those roles would be set when the og_roles is called. That could be incorrect though.

  //$query_gid = og_is_group_default_access('node', $gid) ? 0 : $gid;
  $roles = og_roles('node', $group->type, $gid);
  $record = array(
    'aid' => $account->uid,
    'action' => $action,
    'uid' => $user->uid,
    'stamp' => REQUEST_TIME,
  if (drupal_write_record('role_watchdog', $record)) {
    $vars = array(
      'body' => 'Role !role in group "!group" removed from !account by !user',
      '!role' => check_plain($roles[$rid]),
      '!group' => check_plain($group->title),
      '!user' => check_plain($user->name),
      '!user_id' => $user->uid,
      '!account' => check_plain($account->name),
      '!account_id' => $account->uid,
    _og_role_watchdog_write_group_information($record, $gid, $rid);
    watchdog('role_watchdog', $vars['body'], $vars, WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l(t('view'), 'user/' . $account->uid . '/track/role_history'));
    _role_watchdog_notification($rid, $vars);
    return $record;
  else {
    watchdog('role_watchdog', 'Unable to save record in _og_role_watchdog_remove_role()', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR, l(t('view'), 'user/' . $account->uid . '/track/role_history'));