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Functions in Role Export 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
role_export_features_pipe_user_role_alter ./role_export.module Implements hook_features_pipe_component_alter() for user roles.
role_export_form_alter ./role_export.module Implements hook_form_alter().
role_export_generate_id ./role_export.module Generates a numeric id from a machine name. 2
role_export_install ./role_export.install Implements hook_install().
role_export_machine_name_gen ./role_export.module Generates a machine_name from a role name. 2
role_export_module_implements_alter ./role_export.module Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
role_export_roles ./role_export.module Create an array with the current roles in the system and the associated data from the 'role' table. We cannot use user_roles() here as it only returns role ids and names, but no machine name. 2
role_export_roles_form_validate ./ Form validation handler for user_admin_roles form. 1
role_export_role_name_exists ./role_export.module Check if the machine name of the new role already exists. 1
role_export_schema_alter ./role_export.install Implements hook_schema_alter().
role_export_theme ./role_export.module Implements hook_theme().
role_export_uninstall ./role_export.install Implements hook_uninstall().
role_export_user_role_insert ./role_export.module Implements hook_user_role_insert().
role_export_user_role_update ./role_export.module Implements hook_user_role_update().
theme_role_export_user_admin_roles ./ Returns HTML for the role order and new role form. 1

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