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function role_expire_user_load in Role Expire 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 role_expire.module \role_expire_user_load()
  2. 2.x role_expire.module \role_expire_user_load()

Implements hook_user_load().


./role_expire.module, line 487
Role Expire module


function role_expire_user_load($users) {

  // We don't load the information to the user object. Other modules can use
  // our API to query the information.

   * Load the starter roles into a static cache so it is easy to
   * see what has changed later on.
   * TODO. Support multiple users that are being loaded here. Not sure yet
   * what that means for Role Expire 7.
  foreach ($users as $account) {
    _role_static_user_roles($account->uid, $account->roles);