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function role_expire_cron in Role Expire 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 role_expire.module \role_expire_cron()
  2. 6 role_expire.module \role_expire_cron()
  3. 2.x role_expire.module \role_expire_cron()

Implements hook_cron().


./role_expire.module, line 531
Role Expire module


function role_expire_cron() {
  if ($expires = role_expire_get_expired()) {
    $roles = _role_expire_get_role();
    foreach ($expires as $expire) {

      // Remove the role expiration record from the role_expires table.
      role_expire_delete_record($expire->uid, $expire->rid);

      // Remove the role from the user.
      // TODO Convert "user_load" to "user_load_multiple" if "$expire['uid']" is other than a uid.
      // To return a single user object, wrap "user_load_multiple" with "array_shift" or equivalent.
      // Example: array_shift(user_load_multiple(array(), $expire['uid']))
      $account = user_load($expire->uid);

      // If the account *does* exist, update it.
      if (!empty($account)) {

        // Assign a new role after expiration if requested given configuration.
        $new_roles = role_expire_get_roles_after_expiration();
        if (!empty($new_roles) && isset($new_roles[$expire->rid]) && $new_roles[$expire->rid] != 0) {
          $new_rid = $new_roles[$expire->rid];
          $new_role = user_role_load($new_rid);
          $account->roles[$new_rid] = $new_role->name;
          role_expire_process_default_role_duration_for_user($new_rid, $account->uid);
        $edit = $account->roles;

        // In the documentation for the role_expire implementation of hook_user we
        // state to use $category = 'account'.  We don't do that here because
        // that would cause the delete to occur twice.
        user_save($account, array(
          'roles' => $edit,
        ), NULL);

        // Handle the bizarre case of role_expire not being a valid role.
        $role_name = isset($roles[$expire->rid]) ? $roles[$expire->rid] : t('-unset-');
        watchdog('role expire', 'Removed role @role from user @account.', array(
          '@role' => $role_name,
          '@account' => $account->name,
        if (module_exists('rules')) {
          rules_invoke_event('role_expire_rules_event_role_expires', $account, $role_name);
      else {

        // The account doesn't exist. Database altered outside of Drupal.
        // Throw a warning message.
        watchdog('role expire', 'Data integrity warning: Role_expire table updated, but no user with uid @uid.', array(
          '@uid' => $expire->uid,