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class revisioning_handler_field_node_state in Revisioning 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.4 views/ \revisioning_handler_field_node_state
  2. 6.3 views/ \revisioning_handler_field_node_state
  3. 7 views/ \revisioning_handler_field_node_state

@file Handler for the 'Node: state' field.


Expanded class hierarchy of revisioning_handler_field_node_state

1 string reference to 'revisioning_handler_field_node_state'
revisioning_views_data_alter in views/
Implements hook_views_data_alter().


views/, line 8
Handler for the 'Node: state' field.

View source
class revisioning_handler_field_node_state extends views_handler_field {

   * Call constructor.
  public function construct() {

    // Request node fields required to calculate the 'state' when rendering.
    $this->additional_fields['nid'] = 'nid';
    $this->additional_fields['vid'] = 'vid';
    $this->additional_fields['published'] = array(
      'field' => 'status',

   * Check for access.
  public function access() {
    return user_access('access content');

   * Help build the query.
  public function query() {

    // Not calling parent::query() as it will treat 'state' as a real db field.

   * Implement the rendering of the state value.
   * Note that $values contains:
   *   o nid
   *   o node_vid (current revision id)
   *   o node_status (published flag)
  public function render($values) {
    $published = $values->{$this->aliases['published']};
    $nid = $values->{$this->aliases['nid']};
    $current_vid = $values->{$this->aliases['vid']};
    $is_initial_unpublished_draft = !$published && revisioning_get_number_of_revisions($nid) == 1;
    $latest_vid = revisioning_get_latest_revision_id($nid);
    $is_pending = $latest_vid > $current_vid || $is_initial_unpublished_draft;
    $description = $is_pending ? !$published && !$is_initial_unpublished_draft ? t('Archived with revision pending') : t('Revision pending') : ($published && $latest_vid == $current_vid ? t('Current, published') : t('Archived'));
    return $description;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
revisioning_handler_field_node_state::access public function Check for access.
revisioning_handler_field_node_state::construct public function Call constructor.
revisioning_handler_field_node_state::query public function Help build the query.
revisioning_handler_field_node_state::render public function Implement the rendering of the state value.