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Include file for revisioning.module; deals with all theming aspects.

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 * @file
 * Include file for revisioning.module; deals with all theming aspects.

 * Implements hook_theme().
 * Register the theme_hooks() available in this module, with their arguments
 * and default values.
function revisioning_theme() {
  $theme = array();
  $theme['revisioning_revisions_summary'] = array(
    // Index in the $variables[] array when
    // function theme_revisioning_revisions_summary($variables) gets called.
    'render element' => 'form',
  $theme['revisions_pending_block'] = array(
    // Uses revisions-pending-block.tpl.php.
    'template' => 'revisions-pending-block',
  $theme['revisions_summary'] = array(
    // Uses revisions-summary.tpl.php.
    'template' => 'revisions-summary',
  return $theme;

 * Return revisions summary table data.
 * If the Diff modules is enabled, the
 * object returned includes a column of checkboxes allowing the user to select
 * two revisions for side-by-side comparison.
 * @param array $form
 *   typically an empty array as passed in by drupal_get_form()
 * @param array $form_state
 *   the form state
 * @param int $extra
 *   parameters as passed into drupal_get_form(), see _theme_revisions_summary()
 * @return array
 *   updated form containing all data to be themed
function revisioning_revisions_summary($form, &$form_state, $extra) {

  // #type=>'value' form field values will not appear in the HTML. Used here
  // to pass the node id to theme_revisioning_revisions_summary().
  // Or: $form_state['build_info']['args'][0]; ?
  $nid = $extra;
  $form['nid'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $nid,
  $show_taxonomy_terms = module_exists('taxonomy') && variable_get('revisioning_show_taxonomy_terms', TRUE) && count(taxonomy_get_vocabularies()) > 0;
  $revisions = _revisioning_get_all_revisions_for_node($nid, $show_taxonomy_terms);
  $revision_ids = array();
  $published = FALSE;
  foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
    $vid = $revision->vid;
    if ($vid == $revision->current) {
      $title = $revision->title;
      $published = $revision->status;

    // No text next to check boxes (see below).
    $revision_ids[$vid] = '';
    $base_url = "node/{$nid}/revisions/{$vid}";

    // First column: saved date + author.
    $first_cell = t('Saved !date by !username', array(
      '!date' => l(format_date($revision->timestamp, 'short'), "{$base_url}/view"),
      '!username' => theme('username', array(
        'account' => $revision,
    )) . (empty($revision->log) ? '' : '<p class="revision-log">' . filter_xss($revision->log) . '</p>');
    $form['info'][$vid] = array(
      // Was: 'item', see [#1884696].
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => $first_cell,

    // Third & fourth columns: term (2nd column is handled below).
    if (!empty($revision->tags)) {
      $form['tags'][$vid] = array(
        '#type' => 'item',
        '#markup' => $revision->tags,
      $has_tags = TRUE;
    if (!empty($revision->term)) {
      $form['term'][$vid] = array(
        '#type' => 'item',
        '#markup' => $revision->term,
      $has_terms = TRUE;
    $form['status'][$vid] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => $revision->status,

  // Close foreach ($revisions as $revision).
  if (empty($has_tags)) {
  if (empty($has_terms)) {
  revisioning_set_status_message(format_plural(count($revisions), '%title is @publication_status. It has only one revision', '%title is @publication_status. It has @count revisions.', array(
    '%title' => $title,
    '@publication_status' => $published ? t('published') : t('NOT published'),
  if (count($revisions) >= 2 && module_exists('diff')) {

    // Second column: check-boxes to select two revisions to compare
    // The default selection is the top two check-boxes
    $id1 = key($revision_ids);
    $id2 = key($revision_ids);
    $form['tickbox'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkboxes',
      '#options' => $revision_ids,
      '#default_value' => array(
      '#required' => TRUE,

    // Submit button.
    $form['submit'] = array(
      '#value' => t('Compare'),
      '#type' => 'submit',
  return $form;

 * Validation for input form to select two revisions.
 * @param array $form
 *   The form
 * @param array $form_state
 *   the form state
function revisioning_revisions_summary_validate($form, &$form_state) {

  // Strip out all unchecked boxes.
  $form_state['values']['tickbox'] = array_filter($form_state['values']['tickbox']);
  $count = count($form_state['values']['tickbox']);
  if ($count != 2) {
    form_set_error('tickbox', t('Please select 2 revisions rather than @count', array(
      '@count' => $count,

 * Submit two selected revisions to Diff module.
 * @param array $form
 *   The form
 * @param array $form_state
 *   the form state
function revisioning_revisions_summary_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $selected_vids = $form_state['values']['tickbox'];
  $vid1 = key($selected_vids);
  $vid2 = key($selected_vids);

  // Clear existing msgs.
  revisioning_set_status_message(t('Comparing revision #!revision2 against revision #!revision1', array(
    '!revision2' => $vid2,
    '!revision1' => $vid1,
  $nid = $form_state['values']['nid'];
  $form_state['redirect'] = "node/{$nid}/revisions/view/{$vid2}/{$vid1}";

 * Theme revision summary table.
 * Theme the supplied form as a table, then prepend submenu links via
 * revisions-summary.tpl.php
 * Uses the following subthemes:
 * o 'table_revisions', falling back to if not defined
 * o 'placeholder' (to display current revision status)
 * o 'username'
 * Uses the following style-classes (see revisioning.css)
 * o 'table-revisions'
 * o 'revision-current' and 'published'
 * o 'revision-pending'
 * @param array $variables
 *   The variables array
 * @return string
 *   The rendered html
function theme_revisioning_revisions_summary($variables) {
  $form = $variables['form'];
  if (!isset($form['nid'])) {
    drupal_set_message(t('theme_revisioning_revisions_summary(): form does not contain nid - aborting.'), 'error');

  // Need node info, fortunately node_load() employs a cache so is efficient.
  $node = node_load($form['nid']['#value']);
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'revisioning') . '/revisioning.css');

  // Set up the table rows.
  $rows = array();
  $revision_ids = element_children($form['info']);
  $show_diff = count($revision_ids) >= 2 && module_exists('diff');

  // Set up the table header.
  $header = array(
  if ($show_diff) {
    $header[] = array(
      'data' => drupal_render($form['submit']),
      'class' => 'form-submit',
  if (isset($form['tags'])) {
    $header[] = t('Tags');
  if (isset($form['term'])) {
    $header[] = t('Terms');
  $header[] = t('Status');
  $is_initial_unpublished_draft = !$node->status && count($revision_ids) == 1;

  // From the $form columns create table $rows.
  foreach ($revision_ids as $vid) {
    $row = array();

    // Column #1: Revision info.
    $row[] = drupal_render($form['info'][$vid]);

    // Column #2: Compare checkbox.
    if ($show_diff) {
      $row[] = array(
        'data' => drupal_render($form['tickbox'][$vid]),

    // Columns #3 & #4: Tags & Terms.
    if (isset($form['tags'])) {
      $row[] = filter_xss(drupal_render($form['tags'][$vid]));
    if (isset($form['term'])) {
      $row[] = filter_xss(drupal_render($form['term'][$vid]));

    // Column #4: Publication status.
    $is_current = $vid == $node->vid;
    $is_pending = $vid > $node->vid || $is_initial_unpublished_draft;
    if ($is_pending) {
      $status = array(
        'data' => t('in draft/pending publication'),
    else {
      $status = array(
        'data' => $is_current && $node->status ? drupal_placeholder(t('current revision (published)')) : t('archived'),
    $row[] = $status;

    // Apply CSS class.
    $row_style = $is_current ? array(
    ) : ($is_pending ? array(
    ) : array());
    if ($is_current && $node->status == NODE_PUBLISHED) {
      $row_style[] = 'published';
    $rows[] = array(
      'data' => $row,
      'class' => $row_style,

  // Render $header and $rows as a table.
  $table_variables = array(
    'header' => $header,
    'rows' => $rows,
    'attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(
  $content = theme(array(
  ), $table_variables);

  // Prepend submenu links.
  $submenu_links = _revisioning_generate_node_links_according_to_permissions($node);

  // Combine submenu links and rendered table using a template (.tpl.php) file.
  $template_variables = array(
    'submenu_links' => $submenu_links,
    'content' => $content,
  $output = theme(array(
  ), $template_variables);
  return $output . drupal_render_children($form);

 * Implement (in your own module) the function below if you want to override
 * the way in which the Revisions table is constructed.
 * If you do, don't forget to register this theme_hook() via <module>_theme()
 * in a manner similar to revisioning_theme() in this file.
 * @param $header
 * @param $rows
 * @return themed HTML, see for instance /includes/ and
 *         diff.module/theme_diff_table()
 * @ingroup themeable
 function theme_table_revisions($header, $rows) {

 * Theme the revisions summary of the supplied node.
 * @param object $node
 *   Node whose revisions to display
 * @return array
 *   Render array
 * @ingroup themeable
function _revisioning_theme_revisions_summary($node) {
  drupal_set_title(t('Revisions for %title', array(
    '%title' => $node->title,
  return drupal_get_form('revisioning_revisions_summary', $node->nid);

 * Get link operations.
 * Return an array of hyperlinks representing the operations the logged-in user
 * is allowed to perform on the supplied node.
 * @param object $node
 *   The node obkect
 * @param int $link_type
 *   The type of link, e.g. MENU_IS_LOCAL_TASK, may affect the rendering via
 *   theme('menu_item_link'), if overridden (eg zen_theme_menu_item_link()).
 * @return array
 *   array of themed hyperlinks
function _revisioning_generate_node_links_according_to_permissions($node, $link_type = 0) {
  $nid = $node->nid;
  $themed_links = array();
  if (!empty($node->revision_moderation)) {
    if (_revisioning_access_node_revision('publish revisions', $node)) {
      $themed_links[] = l(t('Publish'), "node/{$nid}/revisions/{$node->vid}/publish");
    elseif (_revisioning_access_node_revision('unpublish current revision', $node)) {
      $themed_links[] = l(t('Unpublish current revision'), "node/{$nid}/unpublish-current");
  if (_revisioning_access_node_revision('delete archived revisions', $node)) {
    $num_archived = revisioning_get_number_of_archived_revisions($node);
    if ($num_archived > 0) {
      $themed_links[] = l(t('Delete archived'), "node/{$nid}/revisions/delete-archived");
  if (_revisioning_access_node_revision('delete node', $node)) {

    // Avoiding format_plural see [#557050].
    $text = empty($node->revision_moderation) || $node->num_revisions == 1 ? t('Delete') : t('Delete all');
    $themed_links[] = l($text, "node/{$nid}/delete");
  return $themed_links;


Namesort descending Description
revisioning_revisions_summary Return revisions summary table data.
revisioning_revisions_summary_submit Submit two selected revisions to Diff module.
revisioning_revisions_summary_validate Validation for input form to select two revisions.
revisioning_theme Implements hook_theme().
theme_revisioning_revisions_summary Theme revision summary table.
_revisioning_generate_node_links_according_to_permissions Get link operations.
_revisioning_theme_revisions_summary Theme the revisions summary of the supplied node.