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function revisioning_form_alter in Revisioning 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.4 \revisioning_form_alter()
  2. 6 revisioning.module \revisioning_form_alter()
  3. 6.3 \revisioning_form_alter()
  4. 7 \revisioning_form_alter()

Implements hook_form_alter().

Note: for cases where the FORM_ID is known a priori we use revisioning_form_FORMID_form_alter().


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Rendering and altering of pages and forms used by Revisioning.


function revisioning_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if (!empty($form['#node_edit_form'])) {
    $node =& $form['#node'];
    $is_moderated_content = isset($node->revision_moderation) ? $node->revision_moderation : revisioning_content_is_moderated($form['type']['#value'], $node);

    // Alter the Create/Edit content form, if subject to moderation.
    if ($is_moderated_content) {

      // "Create new revision" must be set when the node is to be moderated.
      $node->revision = TRUE;

      // Next line is not essential, just ensures form options are
      // consistent with the edited content being subject to moderation.
      $form['revision_information']['revision']['#default_value'] = TRUE;

      // For moderated content "Published" box will be treated as unticked,
      // See revisioning_node_presave().

    // Only add this radio selector if user has 'administer nodes' permission.
    if (user_access('administer nodes')) {

      // Expand and move this vertical tab to top, so that it's in user's face.
      if (isset($form['menu'])) {
        $form['menu']['#collapsed'] = TRUE;
      $form['revision_information']['#collapsed'] = FALSE;
      $form['revision_information']['#weight'] = -3;
      $options = array();
      if (isset($node->nid)) {
        $options[REVISIONING_NO_REVISION] = t('Modify current revision, no moderation');
      $options[REVISIONING_NEW_REVISION_NO_MODERATION] = t('Create new revision, no moderation');
      $options[REVISIONING_NEW_REVISION_WITH_MODERATION] = t('Create new revision and moderate');

      // This radio selection will appear in hook_node_presave as
      // $node->revision_operation
      $form['revision_information']['revision_operation'] = array(
        '#title' => t('Revision creation and moderation options'),
        '#description' => t('Moderation means that the new revision is not publicly visible until approved by someone with the appropriate permissions.'),
        '#type' => 'radios',
        '#options' => $options,
        '#default_value' => isset($node->nid) ? (int) $node->revision + (int) $is_moderated_content : ($is_moderated_content ? REVISIONING_NEW_REVISION_WITH_MODERATION : REVISIONING_NEW_REVISION_NO_MODERATION),

      // Add javascript to show/hide the "Published" checkbox if the user
      // presses one of the first two radio buttons. Also updates summary tabs.
      $js_file = drupal_get_path('module', 'revisioning') . '/revision-radios.js';

      // After node.js.
      drupal_add_js($js_file, array(
        'weight' => 1,
    else {

      // For non-admin don't show radiobox, just set default, hidden on form.
      // Note that $form['revision_information']['revision'] is already set.
      $form['revision_moderation'] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => $is_moderated_content,

    // In addition to node_form_submit() append our own handler to the list, so
    // that we can redirect to the pending, as opposed to current, revision.
    $form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = '_revisioning_form_submit';
    if (isset($form['actions']['delete']) && isset($form['actions']['delete']['#type'])) {
      $nid = $form['#node']->nid;
      if (revisioning_get_number_of_revisions($nid) > 1) {

        // Special treatment for Delete button when there are >= 2 revisions.
        if ($form['#node']->vid == revisioning_get_current_node_revision_id($nid)) {

          // Make it obvious to user that a 'Delete' is in fact 'Delete all'.
          $form['actions']['delete']['#value'] = t('Delete (all revisions)');
        elseif (user_access('delete revisions')) {

          // Change the meaning of the 'Delete' button when editing a revision
          // to be the deletion of the viewed revision, rather than the node
          // node.
          $form['actions']['delete']['#value'] = t('Delete this revision');
          $form['actions']['delete']['#submit'][] = '_revisioning_delete_submit';