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Functions in Revisioning 6.4

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
revisioning_views_data_alter views/ Implementation of hook_views_data_alter().
revisioning_views_default_views views/ Implementation of hook_views_default_views().
revisioning_views_handlers views/ Implementation of hook_views_handlers().
theme_revisioning_revisions_summary ./ Theme the supplied form.
vid_to_arg ./revisioning.module Perform path manipulations for menu items containing %vid wildcard. $map contains what arg() function returns, eg. $map[0]=='node', $map[1]=='123'.
_revisioning_delete_revision ./ Delete selected revision of node, provided it's not current.
_revisioning_delete_submit ./ Handler for the 'Delete this revision' button on the edit form. 1
_revisioning_edit ./revisioning.module Callback for the primary Edit tab. 1
_revisioning_edit_revision ./revisioning.module Callback to edit a particular revision. 1
_revisioning_form_submit ./ Handler for the 'Save' button on the edit form. 1
_revisioning_generate_node_links_according_to_permissions ./ Return an array of hyperlinks representing the operations the logged-in user is allowed to perform on the supplied node. 1
_revisioning_get_all_revisions_for_node ./ Retrieve a list of all revisions (archive, current, pending) belonging to the supplied node. 1
_revisioning_get_number_of_pending_revisions ./ Return a count of the number of revisions newer than the current revision. 2
_revisioning_get_number_of_revisions_newer_than ./ Return a count of the number of revisions newer than the supplied vid. 1
_revisioning_get_pending_revisions ./ Retrieve a list of revisions with a vid greater than the current. 1
_revisioning_insert_msg ./revisioning.module 1
_revisioning_load_op ./revisioning.module 4
_revisioning_node_info_msg ./ Return a string with details about the node that is about to be displayed. 1
_revisioning_node_is_pending ./ Return TRUE when either of the following is true: o the supplied node has at least one revision more recent than the current o the node is not yet published and consists of a single revision 1
_revisioning_node_revision_access ./revisioning.module Determine whether the supplied revision operation is permitted on the node. This requires getting through three levels of defence: o Is the operation appropriate for this node at this time, e.g. a node must not be published if it already is or if it… 3 2
_revisioning_operation_appropriate ./revisioning.module Test whether the supplied revision operation is appropriate for the node. This is irrespective of user permissions, e.g. even for an administrator it doesn't make sense to publish a node that is already published or to "revert" to the… 1
_revisioning_prepare_msg ./revisioning.module 1
_revisioning_present_node ./revisioning.module Display all revisions of the supplied node in a themed table with links for the permitted operations above it. 1
_revisioning_publish_latest_revision ./ Find the most recent pending revision, make it current, unless it already is and publish node. Note that no check is made as to whether the initiating user has permission to publish this node. 2
_revisioning_publish_node ./ Publish node, without calling node_save()
_revisioning_publish_revision ./ Make the supplied revision of the node current and publish it. It is the caller's responsibility to provide proper revision. Note that no check is made as to whether the initiating user has permission to publish this revision. 2
_revisioning_revertpublish_revision ./ Revert node to selected revision without changing its publication status.
_revisioning_revert_revision ./ Revert node to selected revision without publishing it. 1
_revisioning_revision_is ./ Return revision type of the supplied node. 2
_revisioning_revision_states ./ Return a single or all possible revision state names. 2
_revisioning_rules_event_arguments ./ Returns arguments suitable for using it with a node. 1
_revisioning_set_info_message ./ 1
_revisioning_show_pending_nodes ./ Return as a themed table a list of nodes that have pending revisions. access rights of the logged-in user. 1
_revisioning_title_for_tab ./revisioning.module Callback for the primary View and Edit tabs. 1
_revisioning_unpublish_node ./ Unpublish node, without calling node_save(). 1
_revisioning_unpublish_revision ./ Unpublish revision (i.e. the node). 1
_revisioning_view ./revisioning.module Menu callback for the primary View tab. 1
_revisioning_view_edit_access_callback ./revisioning.module Access callback for 'node/%', 'node/%/view' and 'node/%/edit' links that may appear anywhere on the site. At the time that this function is called the CURRENT revision will already have been loaded by the system. However… 1
_revisioning_view_revision ./revisioning.module Callback to view a particular revision. 1
_set_revision_author_values ./ 1
_theme_revisions_pending_block ./ 1
_theme_revisions_summary ./ Theme the revisions summary of the supplied node. 1


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