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Functions in Revisioning 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
revisioning_action_info ./ Implementation of hook_action_info(). Defines actions available in this module.
revisioning_edit ./revisioning.module Menu callback; edit revision. 1
revisioning_form_alter ./revisioning.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
revisioning_help ./revisioning.module Implementation of hook_help().
revisioning_hook_info ./ Implementation of hook_hook_info(). Defines triggers available in this module.
revisioning_install ./revisioning.install Implementation of hook_install().
revisioning_menu ./revisioning.module Implementation of hook_menu().
revisioning_menu_alter ./revisioning.module Implementation of hook_menu_alter().
revisioning_nodeapi ./revisioning.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
revisioning_node_revisions ./revisioning.module Display all revisions of the supplied node in a themed table. 1
revisioning_pending_nodes ./revisioning.module Menu callback to list nodes that have pending content. 2
revisioning_perm ./revisioning.module Implementation of hook_perm().
revisioning_publish_confirm ./revisioning.module Return a confirmation page for publishing a revision. 1
revisioning_publish_confirm_submit ./revisioning.module Submission handler for the publish_confirm form.
revisioning_publish_latest_revision ./revisioning.module Find the most recent pending revision and make it current, unless it already is. 1
revisioning_publish_latest_revision_action ./ Implementation of publish_latest_revision action
revisioning_revert_confirm ./revisioning.module Return a confirmation page prior to reverting to an older revision. 1
revisioning_revert_confirm_submit ./revisioning.module Submission handler for the revert_confirm form.
revisioning_revisioning ./ Implementation of hook_<trigger_name>().
revisioning_theme ./revisioning.module Implementation of hook_theme().
revisioning_uninstall ./revisioning.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
revisioning_unpublish_confirm ./revisioning.module Return a confirmation page for unpublishing the node. 1
revisioning_unpublish_confirm_submit ./revisioning.module Submission handler for the unpublish_confirm form.
theme_revisioning_pending_nodes ./revisioning.module Display a list of nodes that have pending revisions in a themed table.
_get_all_revisions_for_node ./revisioning.module Retrieve a list of all revisions (old, current, pending) belonging to the supplied node. 1
_get_current_revision ./revisioning.module Get the current revision that the supplied node is pointing to. 3
_get_pending_revisions ./revisioning.module Retrieve a list of revisions with a vid greater than the current. 1
_handle_view_op ./revisioning.module Handle the 'view' operation on the node, displaying links as per the user's access permission. 1
_number_of_pending_revisions ./revisioning.module Return a count of the number of revisions newer than the current revision. 1
_number_of_revisions_newer_than ./revisioning.module Return a count of the number of revisions newer than the supplied vid. 1
_revisioning_publish_revision ./revisioning.module Make the supplied revision of the node current and publish it. 2
_theme_node_revisions ./revisioning.module Theme the revisions of the supplied node in a table. 1

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