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interface RestrictIpServiceInterface in Restrict IP 3.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/Service/RestrictIpServiceInterface.php \Drupal\restrict_ip\Service\RestrictIpServiceInterface
  2. 8 src/Service/RestrictIpServiceInterface.php \Drupal\restrict_ip\Service\RestrictIpServiceInterface


Expanded class hierarchy of RestrictIpServiceInterface

All classes that implement RestrictIpServiceInterface

2 files declare their use of RestrictIpServiceInterface
ConfigForm.php in src/Form/ConfigForm.php
RestrictIpEventSubscriber.php in src/EventSubscriber/RestrictIpEventSubscriber.php


src/Service/RestrictIpServiceInterface.php, line 5


View source
interface RestrictIpServiceInterface {

   * Test if the user is blocked
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the user is blocked
   *   FALSE if the user is not blocked
  public function userIsBlocked();

   * Run all tests to see if the current user should be blocked or not
   * based on their IP address
   * @param $runInCli bool
   *   Indicate whether the test should be run even when the code is being run through
   *   the command line. This will almost always be FALSE, to prevent the user from
   *   being blocked while running Drush commands, however this needs to be set as
   *   TRUE when running PHPUnit tests, in order to be able to run the code.
  public function testForBlock($runInCli = FALSE);

   * Takes a string containing potential IP addresses on separate lines,
   * strips them of any code comments, trims them, and turns them into a clean array.
   * Note that the elements may or may not be IP addresses and if validation is necessary,
   * the array returned from this function should be validated.
   * @param string $input
   *   A string containing new-line separated IP addresses. Can contain code comments
   * @return array
   *   An array of IP addresses parsed from the $input.
  public function cleanIpAddressInput($input);

   * Get the IP address of the current user
   * @return string
   *   The IP address of the current user
  public function getCurrentUserIp();

   * Get the current path that the user is on
   * @return string
   *   The current path
  public function getCurrentPath();

   * Get an array of all IP addresses that have been whitelisted through the admin interface
   * @return array
   *   An array of addresses whitelisted through the admin interface.
  public function getWhitelistedIpAddresses();

   * Save whitelisted IP addresses to the system
   * @param array $ip_addresses
   *   An array of IP addresses to be saved
   * @param bool $overwriteExisting
   *   A boolean indicating whether existing IP addresses should be deleted before saving
  public function saveWhitelistedIpAddresses(array $ipAddresses, $overwriteExisting = TRUE);

   * Get an array of all whitelisted pages
   * @return array
   *   An array of paths that have been whitelisted
  public function getWhitelistedPagePaths();

   * Save whitelisted page paths to the system
   * @param array $whitelistedPaths
   *   An array of paths to be saved for whitelisting.
   * @param bool $overwriteExisting
   *   A boolean indicating whether existing paths should be deleted before saving
  public function saveWhitelistedPagePaths(array $whitelistedPaths, $overwriteExisting = TRUE);

   * Get an array of all blacklisted pages
   * @return array
   *   An array of paths that have been whitelisted
  public function getBlacklistedPagePaths();

   * Save blacklisted page paths to the system
   * @param array $blacklistedPaths
   *   An array of paths to be saved for blacklisting.
   * @param bool $overwriteExisting
   *   A boolean indicating whether existing paths should be deleted before saving
  public function saveBlacklistedPagePaths(array $blacklistedPaths, $overwriteExisting = TRUE);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
RestrictIpServiceInterface::cleanIpAddressInput public function * Takes a string containing potential IP addresses on separate lines, * strips them of any code comments, trims them, and turns them into a clean array. * Note that the elements may or may not be IP addresses and if validation is necessary, *… 1
RestrictIpServiceInterface::getBlacklistedPagePaths public function * Get an array of all blacklisted pages * * 1
RestrictIpServiceInterface::getCurrentPath public function * Get the current path that the user is on * * 1
RestrictIpServiceInterface::getCurrentUserIp public function * Get the IP address of the current user * * 1
RestrictIpServiceInterface::getWhitelistedIpAddresses public function * Get an array of all IP addresses that have been whitelisted through the admin interface * * 1
RestrictIpServiceInterface::getWhitelistedPagePaths public function * Get an array of all whitelisted pages * * 1
RestrictIpServiceInterface::saveBlacklistedPagePaths public function * Save blacklisted page paths to the system * * 1
RestrictIpServiceInterface::saveWhitelistedIpAddresses public function * Save whitelisted IP addresses to the system * * 1
RestrictIpServiceInterface::saveWhitelistedPagePaths public function * Save whitelisted page paths to the system * * 1
RestrictIpServiceInterface::testForBlock public function * Run all tests to see if the current user should be blocked or not * based on their IP address * * 1
RestrictIpServiceInterface::userIsBlocked public function * Test if the user is blocked * * 1