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function restrict_ip_preprocess_html in Restrict IP 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 restrict_ip.module \restrict_ip_preprocess_html()
  2. 8 restrict_ip.module \restrict_ip_preprocess_html()
  3. 7 restrict_ip.module \restrict_ip_preprocess_html()
  4. 3.x restrict_ip.module \restrict_ip_preprocess_html()

Override of template_preprocess_html().

This function unsets $page_top and $page_bottom so that they are not passed to html.tpl.php, preventing these regions from being rendered.


./restrict_ip.module, line 398
Holds hooks for the restrict_ip module.


function restrict_ip_preprocess_html(&$items) {
  if (ip_restricted()) {
    if (isset($items['page']['page_top'])) {
      $items['page']['page_top'] = FALSE;
    if (isset($items['page']['page_top'])) {
      $items['page']['page_bottom'] = FALSE;