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public static function IPTools::validateIP in Restrict Login or Role Access by IP Address 8.4

Given a string, validate that it is valid IP address.

Overrides IPToolsInterface::validateIP

2 calls to IPTools::validateIP()
UnitTest::testIpFailValidation in tests/src/Unit/UnitTest.php
@dataProvider invalidIpProvider @expectedException \Drupal\restrict_by_ip\Exception\InvalidIPException
UnitTest::testIpPassValidation in tests/src/Unit/UnitTest.php
@dataProvider validIpProvider


src/IPTools.php, line 39


Class IPTools.




public static function validateIP($ip) {

  // Separate in to address and CIDR mask.
  $cidr = explode("/", $ip);

  // Check address and cidr mask entered.
  if (count($cidr) !== 2) {
    throw new InvalidIPException('IP address must be in CIDR notation.');
  $ipaddr = explode(".", $cidr[0]);

  // Check four octets entered.
  if (count($ipaddr) != 4) {
    throw new InvalidIPException('IP address must have four octets.');

  // Check each octet is valid - numeric and 0 < value < 255.
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($ipaddr); $i++) {
    if (!is_numeric($ipaddr[$i]) || $ipaddr[$i] < 0 || $ipaddr[$i] > 255) {
      throw new InvalidIPException('Octet must be between 0 and 255.');

  // Check cidr mask value - numeric and 0 < value < 33.
  if (!is_numeric($cidr[1]) || $cidr[1] < 1 || $cidr[1] > 32) {
    throw new InvalidIPException('Routing prefix must be between 0 and 32.');

  // Check the validity of the network address in the given CIDR block,
  // by ensuring that the network address part is valid within the
  // CIDR block itself. If it's not, the notation is invalid.
  try {
    self::validateCIDR($cidr[0], $ip);
  } catch (IPOutOfRangeException $e) {
    throw new InvalidIPException('IP address and routing prefix are not a valid combination.');