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public static function IPTools::validateCIDR in Restrict Login or Role Access by IP Address 8.4

Given an singe IP address and a range of IP addresses in CIDR notation, validate that the single IP address is withing the range of IP addresses.

Overrides IPToolsInterface::validateCIDR

1 call to IPTools::validateCIDR()
IPTools::validateIP in src/IPTools.php
Given a string, validate that it is valid IP address.


src/IPTools.php, line 81


Class IPTools.




public static function validateCIDR($ip, $range) {

  // Separate ip address and CIDR mask.
  $netmask = explode("/", $range);

  // Get valid network as long.
  $ip_net = ip2long($netmask[0]);

  // Get valid network mask as long.
  $ip_mask = ~((1 << 32 - $netmask[1]) - 1);

  // Get ip address to check as long.
  $ip_ip = ip2long($ip);

  // Mask ip address to check to get subnet.
  $ip_ip_net = $ip_ip & $ip_mask;

  // Only returns 1 if the valid network
  // and the subnet of the ip address
  // to check are the same.
  if ($ip_ip_net != $ip_net) {
    throw new IPOutOfRangeException('IP address and routing prefix are not a valid combination.');