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Functions in Restrict Login or Role Access by IP Address 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
restrict_by_ip_form_user_admin_perm_alter ./restrict_by_ip.module Hook to the admin_permissions form
restrict_by_ip_help ./restrict_by_ip.module Implementation of hook_help()
restrict_by_ip_install ./restrict_by_ip.install Implementation of hook_install(). Creates a table of the variables that will be needed to use this module
restrict_by_ip_menu ./restrict_by_ip.module Implementation of hook_menu() Add a menu item to the ddminister >> site building menu for displaying the restrict_by_ip
restrict_by_ip_perm ./restrict_by_ip.module Implementation of hook_perm()
restrict_by_ip_role_check ./restrict_by_ip.module This just checks the database for any roles associated with that user that are in the restrict_by_ip table. From there it does a ip check on each one of them to see if they are within the range of ip's allowed for that role. 1
restrict_by_ip_schema ./restrict_by_ip.install Implementation of hook_schema().
restrict_by_ip_settings ./restrict_by_ip.module Menu callback to configure module settings 1
restrict_by_ip_uninstall ./restrict_by_ip.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
restrict_by_ip_user ./restrict_by_ip.module Implementation of hook_user()
restrict_by_ip_user_admin_perm_submit ./restrict_by_ip.module Hook to the admin_permissions submit function 1
restrict_by_ip_user_admin_perm_validate ./restrict_by_ip.module Hook for the permissions validate function. Checks to make sure the ip-address is valid. 1
session_save_session ./ Determine whether to save session data of the current request. 1
sess_close ./
sess_count ./ Counts how many users have sessions. Can count either anonymous sessions or authenticated sessions.
sess_destroy_sid ./ Called by PHP session handling with the PHP session ID to end a user's session.
sess_destroy_uid ./ End a specific user's session
sess_gc ./
sess_open ./ @file User session handling functions.
sess_read ./
sess_regenerate ./ Called when an anonymous user becomes authenticated or vice-versa.
sess_write ./
_restrict_by_ip_cidrcheck ./restrict_by_ip.module Check ip address against a network in cidr notation. E.g: _restrict_by_ip_cidrcheck('',''); returns 1 _restrict_by_ip_cidrcheck('',''); returns 0 2
_restrict_by_ip_delete ./restrict_by_ip.module User deleted function Remove the restrict by ip data from the database table 1
_restrict_by_ip_form ./restrict_by_ip.module Form and register function Insert the restrict by ip form into the user settings and new user forms for authorised users 1
_restrict_by_ip_login ./restrict_by_ip.module Login function Checks the user's ip address on login If they are not restricted, or logging in from the appropriate address allow logon to continue. If not redirect to a designated page 1
_restrict_by_ip_update ./restrict_by_ip.module Update and insert function Update or create new restrict by ip database entry from the form data 1
_restrict_by_ip_validate ./restrict_by_ip.module Validate function Validate the restrict by ip form data 1
_restrict_by_ip_validate_ip ./restrict_by_ip.module This function just makes sure the user input for the ip address section is valid. $sms is the error message if the ip validation fails 2

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