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function _restrict_abusive_words_exists_words in Restrict Abusive Words 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 restrict_abusive_words.module \_restrict_abusive_words_exists_words()
  2. 7 restrict_abusive_words.module \_restrict_abusive_words_exists_words()

Check the word or phrase is exists in the abusive word list.

1 call to _restrict_abusive_words_exists_words()
AddWordsForm::validateForm in src/Form/AddWordsForm.php
Form validation handler.


./restrict_abusive_words.module, line 21


function _restrict_abusive_words_exists_words($words, $string) {
  if (!empty($string) && isset($words)) {
    foreach ($words as $word) {
      if ($string == $word) {
        return $word;
  return FALSE;