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function restful_test_deny_access_node in RESTful 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 tests/modules/restful_test/restful_test.module \restful_test_deny_access_node()

Flag a field to not be accessible.


$nid: The node ID to deny access.

1 call to restful_test_deny_access_node()
RestfulListTestCase::testAccessHandeling in tests/RestfulListTestCase.test
Test error handeling when no access is granted to an entity in a list.
2 string references to 'restful_test_deny_access_node'
restful_test_clear_access_node in tests/modules/restful_test/restful_test.module
Clear un-accessible node.
restful_test_node_access in tests/modules/restful_test/restful_test.module
Implements hook_node_access().


tests/modules/restful_test/restful_test.module, line 23
Helper module for testing the RESTful module.


function restful_test_deny_access_node($nid) {
  variable_set('restful_test_deny_access_node', $nid);