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class DataProviderNull in RESTful 7.2


Expanded class hierarchy of DataProviderNull


src/Plugin/resource/DataProvider/DataProviderNull.php, line 10
Contains \Drupal\restful\Plugin\resource\DataProvider\DataProviderNull.


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class DataProviderNull extends DataProvider implements DataProviderInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function count() {
    return 0;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function create($object) {
    return array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function view($identifier) {
    return array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function viewMultiple(array $identifiers) {
    return array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function update($identifier, $object, $replace = FALSE) {
    return array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function remove($identifier) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getIndexIds() {
    return array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function initDataInterpreter($identifier) {
    return NULL;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DataProvider::$account protected property The account authenticated from the request for entity access checks.
DataProvider::$fieldDefinitions protected property The field definitions.
DataProvider::$langcode protected property Determines the language of the items that should be returned.
DataProvider::$metadata protected property Array of metadata. Use this as a mean to pass info to the render layer.
DataProvider::$options protected property User defined options.
DataProvider::$pluginId protected property Resource identifier.
DataProvider::$range protected property Determines the number of items that should be returned when viewing lists.
DataProvider::$request protected property The request
DataProvider::$resourcePath protected property The resource path.
DataProvider::addExtraInfoToQuery protected function Adds query tags and metadata to the EntityFieldQuery. 2
DataProvider::addOptions public function Adds the options in the provided array to the data provider options. Overrides DataProviderInterface::addOptions
DataProvider::canonicalPath public function Generates the canonical path for a given path. Overrides DataProviderInterface::canonicalPath 1
DataProvider::discover public function Return the discovery information for the given entity. Overrides DataProviderInterface::discover
DataProvider::getAccount public function Gets the authenticated account. Overrides DataProviderInterface::getAccount
DataProvider::getCacheFragments public function Gets the entity context. Overrides DataProviderInterface::getCacheFragments 3
DataProvider::getLangCode public function Get the language code. Overrides DataProviderInterface::getLangCode
DataProvider::getLanguage protected static function Gets the global language.
DataProvider::getMetadata public function Returns the metadata collection. Overrides DataProviderInterface::getMetadata
DataProvider::getOptions public function Gets the data provider options. Overrides DataProviderInterface::getOptions
DataProvider::getRange public function Gets the range. Overrides DataProviderInterface::getRange
DataProvider::getRequest public function Gets the request. Overrides DataProviderInterface::getRequest
DataProvider::getResourcePath public function Get the resource path. Overrides DataProviderInterface::getResourcePath
DataProvider::index public function List operation. Overrides CrudInterface::index 2
DataProvider::initResourceFieldCollection protected function Initialize the empty resource field collection to bundle the output.
DataProvider::isNestedField public static function Checks if the passed in string is a dot-nested field. Overrides DataProviderInterface::isNestedField
DataProvider::isValidConjunctionForFilter protected static function Check if a conjunction is valid for filtering. 1
DataProvider::isValidOperatorsForFilter protected static function Check if an operator is valid for filtering. 1
DataProvider::methodAccess public function Checks if the provided field can be used with the current method. Overrides DataProviderInterface::methodAccess
DataProvider::parseRequestForListFilter protected function Filter the query for list.
DataProvider::parseRequestForListPagination protected function Parses the request object to get the pagination options.
DataProvider::parseRequestForListSort protected function Parses the request to get the sorting options.
DataProvider::processFilterInput public static function Processes the input for a filter and adds the appropriate defaults. Overrides DataProviderInterface::processFilterInput
DataProvider::setAccount public function Sets the authenticated account. Overrides DataProviderInterface::setAccount
DataProvider::setHttpHeader protected function Sets an HTTP header.
DataProvider::setLangCode public function Sets the language code. Overrides DataProviderInterface::setLangCode
DataProvider::setOptions public function Sets the options. Overrides DataProviderInterface::setOptions
DataProvider::setRange public function Sets the range. Overrides DataProviderInterface::setRange
DataProvider::setRequest public function Sets the request. Overrides DataProviderInterface::setRequest
DataProvider::setResourcePath public function Set the resource path. Overrides DataProviderInterface::setResourcePath
DataProvider::__construct public function Constructor. 5
DataProviderNull::count public function Counts the total results for the index call. Overrides CrudInterface::count
DataProviderNull::create public function Create operation. Overrides CrudInterface::create
DataProviderNull::getIndexIds public function Returns the ID to render for the current index GET request. Overrides DataProviderInterface::getIndexIds
DataProviderNull::initDataInterpreter protected function Get the data interpreter. Overrides DataProvider::initDataInterpreter
DataProviderNull::remove public function Delete operation. Overrides CrudInterface::remove
DataProviderNull::update public function Update operation. Overrides CrudInterface::update
DataProviderNull::view public function Read operation. Overrides CrudInterface::view
DataProviderNull::viewMultiple public function Read operation. Overrides CrudInterface::viewMultiple