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function restful_get_formatter_handler in RESTful 7

Return the formatter handler based on the formatter plugin name.


string $formatter_plugin_name: Name of the formatter plugin.

\RestfulBase $restful_handler: The resource handler.

Return value

\RestfulFormatterInterface The formatter provider object.


\RestfulException if the formatter provider does not exist.

4 calls to restful_get_formatter_handler()
RestfulBase::options in plugins/restful/RestfulBase.php
Call resource using the OPTIONS http method.
RestfulDiscoveryTestCase::testOptionsMethod in tests/RestfulDiscoveryTestCase.test
Test the headers populated in an OPTIONS request.
RestfulListTestCase::testFilter in tests/RestfulListTestCase.test
Test filtering.
RestfulManager::outputFormat in includes/RestfulManager.php
Helper function to get the default output format from the current request.


./restful.module, line 357


function restful_get_formatter_handler($formatter_plugin_name, $restful_handler) {
  $formatter_plugin = restful_get_formatter_plugin($formatter_plugin_name);
  if (!($formatter_class = ctools_plugin_get_class($formatter_plugin, 'class'))) {
    throw new \RestfulServiceUnavailable(format_string('Formatter plugin class (@plugin) was not found.', array(
      '@plugin' => $formatter_plugin_name,
  return new $formatter_class($formatter_plugin, $restful_handler);