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public function RestfulInterface::process in RESTful 7

Entry point to process a request.


string $path: The requested path.

array $request: The request array.

string $method: The HTTP method.

bool $check_rate_limit: Determines if rate limit should be checked. This could be set to FALSE for example when inside a recursion, and we don't want to cout multiple times the same request. Defautls to TRUE.

Return value

mixed The return value can depend on the controller for the current $method.

1 method overrides RestfulInterface::process()
RestfulBase::process in plugins/restful/RestfulBase.php
Entry point to process a request.


plugins/restful/RestfulInterface.php, line 73
Contains RestfulInterface.


@file Contains RestfulInterface.


public function process($path = '', array $request = array(), $method = \RestfulInterface::GET, $check_rate_limit = TRUE);