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RestfulInterface.php in RESTful 7

Contains RestfulInterface.


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 * @file
 * Contains RestfulInterface.
interface RestfulInterface {

   * HTTP methods.
  const GET = 'GET';
  const PUT = 'PUT';
  const POST = 'POST';
  const PATCH = 'PATCH';
  const OPTIONS = 'OPTIONS';
  const HEAD = 'HEAD';
  const TRACE = 'TRACE';
  const DELETE = 'DELETE';
  const CONNECT = 'CONNECT';

   * Token value for token generation functions.
  const TOKEN_VALUE = 'rest';

   * Return this value from public field access callbacks to allow access.
  const ACCESS_ALLOW = 'allow';

   * Return this value from public field access callbacks to deny access.
  const ACCESS_DENY = 'deny';

   * Return this value from public field access callbacks to not affect access.

   * Constructor for the RESTful handler.
   * @param $plugin
   *   The restful plugin object.
   * @param RestfulAuthenticationManager $auth_manager
   *   Injected authentication manager.
   * @param DrupalCacheInterface $cache_controller
   *   Injected cache controller.
  public function __construct(array $plugin, \RestfulAuthenticationManager $auth_manager = NULL, \DrupalCacheInterface $cache_controller = NULL);

   * Entry point to process a request.
   * @param string $path
   *   The requested path.
   * @param array $request
   *   The request array.
   * @param string $method
   *   The HTTP method.
   * @param bool $check_rate_limit
   *   Determines if rate limit should be checked. This could be set to FALSE
   *   for example when inside a recursion, and we don't want to cout multiple
   *   times the same request. Defautls to TRUE.
   * @return mixed
   *   The return value can depend on the controller for the current $method.
  public function process($path = '', array $request = array(), $method = \RestfulInterface::GET, $check_rate_limit = TRUE);

   * Return the properties that should be public.
   * @throws \RestfulEntityViewMode
   * @return array
  public function publicFieldsInfo();

   * Return the properties that should be public after processing.
   * Default values would be assigned to the properties declared in
   * \RestfulInterface::publicFieldsInfo().
   * @return array
  public function getPublicFields();

   * Return array keyed by the header property, and the value.
   * This can be used for example to change the "Status" code of the HTTP
   * response, or to add a "Location" property.
   * @return array
  public function getHttpHeaders();

   * Set the HTTP headers.
   * @param string $key
   *   The HTTP header key.
   * @param string $value
   *   The HTTP header value.
  public function setHttpHeaders($key, $value);

   * Add the a value to a multi-value HTTP header.
   * @param string $key
   *   The HTTP header key.
   * @param string $value
   *   The HTTP header value.
  public function addHttpHeaders($key, $value);

   * Determine if user can access the handler.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the current request has access to the requested resource. FALSE
   *   otherwise.
  public function access();



Namesort descending Description
RestfulInterface @file Contains RestfulInterface.