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constant RestfulInterface::GET in RESTful 7

HTTP methods.

14 uses of RestfulInterface::GET
RestfulBase::get in plugins/restful/RestfulBase.php
Call resource using the GET http method.
RestfulBase::isListRequest in plugins/restful/RestfulBase.php
Helper method to know if the current request is for a list.
RestfulBase::isReadMethod in plugins/restful/RestfulBase.php
Determines if the HTTP method represents a read operation.
RestfulCsrfTokenTestCase::testCsrfToken in tests/RestfulCsrfTokenTestCase.test
Test the validation of a CSRF token for authenticated users.
RestfulCurlBaseTestCase::httpRequest in tests/RestfulCurlBaseTestCase.test
Helper function to issue a HTTP request with simpletest's cURL.

... See full list


plugins/restful/RestfulInterface.php, line 14
Contains RestfulInterface.


@file Contains RestfulInterface.


const GET = 'GET';