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public function RestfulDataProviderEFQ::getEntityInfo in RESTful 7

Get the entity info for the current entity the endpoint handling.


null $type: The entity type. Optional.

Return value

array The entity info.

9 calls to RestfulDataProviderEFQ::getEntityInfo()
RestfulDataProviderEFQ::getEntityFieldQuery in plugins/restful/RestfulDataProviderEFQ.php
Initialize an EntityFieldQuery (or extending class).
RestfulEntityBase::createEntity in plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBase.php
Create a new entity.
RestfulEntityBase::getBundlesForAutocomplete in plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBase.php
Return the bundles that should be used for the autocomplete search.
RestfulEntityBase::getFormSchemaAllowedValues in plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBase.php
Get allowed values for the form schema.
RestfulEntityBase::getListForAutocomplete in plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBase.php
Return the values of the types tags, with the ID.

... See full list

1 method overrides RestfulDataProviderEFQ::getEntityInfo()
RestfulEntityBaseUser::getEntityInfo in plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBaseUser.php
Overrides parent::getEntityInfo().


plugins/restful/RestfulDataProviderEFQ.php, line 57
Contains \RestfulDataProviderEFQ


@file Contains \RestfulDataProviderEFQ


public function getEntityInfo($type = NULL) {
  return entity_get_info($type ? $type : $this