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protected function RestfulBase::parseRequestForListFilter in RESTful 7

Filter the query for list.

@returns array An array of filters to apply.



See also


3 calls to RestfulBase::parseRequestForListFilter()
RestfulDataProviderCToolsPlugins::getPluginsSortedAndFiltered in plugins/restful/RestfulDataProviderCToolsPlugins.php
Gets the plugins filtered and sorted by the request.
RestfulDataProviderDbQuery::queryForListFilter in plugins/restful/RestfulDataProviderDbQuery.php
Filter the query for list.
RestfulDataProviderEFQ::queryForListFilter in plugins/restful/RestfulDataProviderEFQ.php
Filter the query for list.


plugins/restful/RestfulBase.php, line 973
Contains RestfulBase.


Class \RestfulBase


protected function parseRequestForListFilter() {
  if (!$this
    ->isListRequest()) {

    // Not a list request, so we don't need to filter.
    // We explicitly check this, as this function might be called from a
    // formatter plugin, after RESTful's error handling has finished, and an
    // invalid key might be passed.
    return array();
  $request = $this
  if (empty($request['filter'])) {

    // No filtering is needed.
    return array();
  $url_params = $this
  if (!$url_params['filter']) {
    throw new \RestfulBadRequestException('Filter parameters have been disabled in server configuration.');
  $filters = array();
  $public_fields = $this
  foreach ($request['filter'] as $public_field => $value) {
    if (empty($public_fields[$public_field])) {
      throw new RestfulBadRequestException(format_string('The filter @filter is not allowed for this path.', array(
        '@filter' => $public_field,

    // Filtering can be achieved in different ways:
    //   1. filter[foo]=bar
    //   2. filter[foo][0]=bar&filter[foo][1]=baz
    //   3. filter[foo][value]=bar
    //   4. filter[foo][value][0]=bar&filter[foo][value][1]=baz
    if (!is_array($value)) {

      // Request uses the shorthand form for filter. For example
      // filter[foo]=bar would be converted to filter[foo][value] = bar.
      $value = array(
        'value' => $value,
    if (!is_array($value['value'])) {
      $value['value'] = array(

    // Add the property
    $value['public_field'] = $public_field;

    // Set default operator count as `1` when value is empty.
    // When PHP < 5.6 and the passed value is an empty array we get:
    // `array_fill(): Number of elements must be positive` exception.
    $default_operator_count = count($value['value']) ? count($value['value']) : 1;

    // Set default operator.
    $value += array(
      'operator' => array_fill(0, $default_operator_count, '='),
    if (!is_array($value['operator'])) {
      $value['operator'] = array(

    // Make sure that we have the same amount of operators than values.
    if (!in_array(strtoupper($value['operator'][0]), array(
      'NOT IN',
    )) && count($value['value']) != count($value['operator'])) {
      throw new RestfulBadRequestException('The number of operators and values has to be the same.');
    $value += array(
      'conjunction' => 'AND',

    // Clean the operator in case it came from the URL.
    // e.g. filter[minor_version][operator]=">="
    $value['operator'] = str_replace(array(
    ), '', $value['operator']);
    $filters[] = $value;
  return $filters;