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protected function RestfulBase::newCacheObject in RESTful 7

Get the default cache object based on the plugin configuration.

By default, this returns an instance of the DrupalDatabaseCache class. Classes implementing DrupalCacheInterface can register themselves both as a default implementation and for specific bins.

Return value

\DrupalCacheInterface The cache object associated with the specified bin.

See also



2 calls to RestfulBase::newCacheObject()
RestfulBase::__construct in plugins/restful/RestfulBase.php
Constructs a RestfulEntityBase object.
RestfulEntityBaseMultipleBundles::__construct in plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBaseMultipleBundles.php
Constructs a RestfulDataProviderEFQ object.


plugins/restful/RestfulBase.php, line 1247
Contains RestfulBase.


Class \RestfulBase


protected function newCacheObject() {

  // We do not use drupal_static() here because we do not want to change the
  // storage of a cache bin mid-request.
  static $cache_object;
  if (isset($cache_object)) {

    // Return cached object.
    return $cache_object;
  $cache_info = $this
  $class = $cache_info['class'];
  if (empty($class)) {
    $class = variable_get('cache_class_' . $cache_info['bin']);
    if (empty($class)) {
      $class = variable_get('cache_default_class', 'DrupalDatabaseCache');
  $cache_object = new $class($cache_info['bin']);
  return $cache_object;