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function restclient_get in RESTClient 7.2

Make a GET request


string resource_path: The path to the REST method.

You can include wildcards in the string which will be filled in by the $parameters array. Ex: /Courses/%session

array $variables: An array of variables with the following keys:

endpoint [optional] : URL or hostname to the REST root. Specify a value to override the default configuration

parameters [optional] : Key/value pairs of parameters to inject into the resource path to replace dynamic values Ex: array('%session' => 20111)

query [optional] : Key/value pairs of query string parameters Ex: array('personid' => 2896263)

headers [optional] : Key/value pairs of extra header data to include in the request

retry [optional] : Number of retries. Defaults to 3

timeout [optional] : Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30

reset [optional] : Boolean flag to reset the cache. Defaults to FALSE.

authentication [optional] : Array ...

  • oauth2_client: Authenticate using OAuth. Contains an array of values to pass through so oauth2_client creates the client. May contain just ['name'] to look up an existing client by name. See oauth2_client documentation.
  • oauth_format [optional]: The format for the Authorization request header to accommodate different server implementations. The default format is 'Bearer :token' where :token is replaced with the OAuth token.

Return value

object Returns an object containing the response data, FALSE otherwise.

2 calls to restclient_get() in ./
RESTClientTestCase::testRequests in ./restclient.test


./restclient.module, line 145
Defines a standard REST interface to RESTful services


function restclient_get($resource_path, $variables = array()) {
  return _restclient_request($resource_path, $variables, 'GET');