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public function RestExportNested::render in REST Export Nested 8

Renders this display.

Overrides RestExport::render


src/Plugin/views/display/RestExportNested.php, line 30


The plugin that handles Data response callbacks for REST resources.




public function render() {
  $build = [];
  $build['#markup'] = $this->renderer
    ->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () {
    return $this->view->style_plugin

  // Decode results.
  $results = \GuzzleHttp\json_decode($build['#markup']);

  // Loop through results and fields.
  foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
    foreach ($result as $property => $value) {

      // Check if the field can be decoded using PHP's json_decode().
      if (is_string($value)) {
        if (json_decode($value) !== NULL) {

          // If so, use Guzzle to decode the JSON and add it to the results.
          $results[$key]->{$property} = \GuzzleHttp\json_decode($value);
        elseif (json_decode(Html::decodeEntities($value)) !== NULL) {
          $results[$key]->{$property} = \GuzzleHttp\json_decode(Html::decodeEntities($value));

      // Special null handling.
      if (is_string($value) && $value === 'null') {
        $results[$key]->{$property} = NULL;

  // Convert back to JSON.
  $build['#markup'] = json_encode($results);
  $this->view->element['#content_type'] = $this
  $this->view->element['#cache_properties'][] = '#content_type';

  // Encode and wrap the output in a pre tag if this is for a live preview.
  if (!empty($this->view->live_preview)) {
    $build['#prefix'] = '<pre>';
    $build['#plain_text'] = $build['#markup'];
    $build['#suffix'] = '</pre>';
  elseif ($this->view
    ->getFormat($this->view->element['#content_type']) !== 'html') {

    // This display plugin is primarily for returning non-HTML formats.
    // However, we still invoke the renderer to collect cacheability metadata.
    // Because the renderer is designed for HTML rendering, it filters
    // #markup for XSS unless it is already known to be safe, but that filter
    // only works for HTML. Therefore, we mark the contents as safe to bypass
    // the filter. So long as we are returning this in a non-HTML response
    // (checked above), this is safe, because an XSS attack only works when
    // executed by an HTML agent.
    // @todo Decide how to support non-HTML in the render API in
    $build['#markup'] = ViewsRenderPipelineMarkup::create($build['#markup']);
  return $build;