class RegistrationStandardTestCase in Entity Registration 8.2
Same name in this branch
- 8.2 tests/registration.test \RegistrationStandardTestCase
- 8.2 src/RegistrationStandardTestCase.php \Drupal\registration\RegistrationStandardTestCase
Creates a registration type Create node entity type ensure registration type exists
- class \Drupal\registration\RegistrationTestCase extends \Drupal\registration\DrupalWebTestCase
- class \Drupal\registration\RegistrationStandardTestCase
Expanded class hierarchy of RegistrationStandardTestCase
- src/
RegistrationStandardTestCase.php, line 9
Drupal\registrationView source
class RegistrationStandardTestCase extends RegistrationTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Registration module',
'description' => 'Test Registration module.',
'group' => 'Registration',
function setUp() {
* Tests if registration fields were created successfully, and associated with an entity.
function testRegistrationFieldCreate() {
$field_name =& $this->field['field_name'];
$entity =& $this->host_entity;
// Field created.
->assertTrue(isset($this->field['id']), t('Registration field created'), 'Registration');
// Instance created.
$read_instance = field_read_instance($this->host_entity_type, $field_name, $entity->type);
->assertNotIdentical(FALSE, $read_instance, t('Create registration instance'), 'Registration');
// Get Instance.
$registration_instances = registration_get_registration_instances(array(
'entity_type' => $this->host_entity_type,
'bundle' => $entity->type,
->assertTrue(count($registration_instances) == 1, t('Read registration field instances'), 'Registration');
->assertTrue($registration_instances[0]['field_name'] == $field_name, t('Validate registration field instance data.'), 'Registration');
* Tests if registration type is set.
function testRegistrationType() {
// Save.
->assertTrue(is_numeric($this->registration_type->id), t('registration bundle has ID'), 'Registration');
// Load.
$registration_type_load = entity_load_single('registration_type', $this->registration_type->id);
->assertNotIdentical(FALSE, $registration_type_load, t('registration bundle loaded'), 'Registration');
->assertEqual($this->registration_type->id, $registration_type_load->id, t('registration bundle matches previously saved bundle.'), 'Registration');
// Get all types.
$types = registration_get_types();
->assertTrue(isset($types[$this->registration_type_name]), t('Load all registration types'), 'Registration');
// Ensure value on field saves.
$entity2 = entity_load_single($this->host_entity_type, $this->host_entity_id);
->assertEqual(registration_get_entity_registration_type($this->host_entity_type, $entity2), $this->registration_type_name, t('Saved registration type in registration field.'), 'Registration');
// Ensure permissions exist for registration type.
'administer ' . $this->registration_type_name . ' registration',
), TRUE);
* Tests entity update helper.
function testHostEntitySettings() {
$settings = array(
'status' => 1,
'settings' => array(
'random_string' => $this
$db_settings = registration_entity_settings($this->host_entity_type, $this->host_entity_id);
->assertTrue($settings['settings']['random_string'] === $db_settings['settings']['random_string'], t('Saving host entity registration settings'), 'Registration');
// Tests static caching.
$settings = array(
'status' => 0,
'settings' => array(
'random_string' => $this
$db_settings = registration_entity_settings($this->host_entity_type, $this->host_entity_id, TRUE);
->assertTrue($settings['settings']['random_string'] === $db_settings['settings']['random_string'], t('Saving host entity registration settings.'), 'Registration');
function testHostEntitySettingsForm() {
$permissions = array(
'administer ' . $this->registration_type_name . ' registration',
->checkPermissions($permissions, TRUE);
$user = $this
// Display form.
->drupalGet($this->host_entity_path . '/registrations/settings');
->assertResponse(200, t('User can access host entity registration settings page.'), 'Registration');
// Submit form.
$test_date1 = '2011-06-04 09:42:33';
$test_date2 = '2012-06-30 12:34:56';
$edit = array(
'status' => TRUE,
'scheduling[open]' => $test_date1,
'scheduling[close]' => $test_date2,
->drupalPost($this->host_entity_path . '/registrations/settings', $edit, t('Save Settings'));
->assertText(t('Registration settings have been saved.'), t('Host entity registration settings form saved.'), 'Registration');
// Verify settings saved to database.
$settings = registration_entity_settings($this->host_entity_type, $this->host_entity_id);
->assertTrue($settings['status'], t('Host entity settings: status saved.'), 'Registration');
->assertTrue($settings['open'] == $test_date1, t('Host entity settings: open date saved.'), 'Registration');
->assertTrue($settings['close'] == $test_date2, t('Host entity settings: close date saved.'), 'Registration');
* Tests email broadcast functionality.
* Generates registrations for a host entity, and confirms that emails
* were sent out to all registrants.
function testHostEntityBroadcastForm() {
$permissions = array(
'administer ' . $this->registration_type_name . ' registration',
->checkPermissions($permissions, TRUE);
$user = $this
// Create registration, Drupal user.
$user_a = $this
'author_uid' => $user->uid,
'registrant_id' => $user_a->uid,
// Create registration, anonymous user.
$anonymous_mail = $this
->randomName() . '';
'author_uid' => $user->uid,
'anon_mail' => $anonymous_mail,
// Display form.
->drupalGet($this->host_entity_path . '/registrations/broadcast');
->assertResponse(200, t('User can access host entity broadcast settings page.'), 'Registration');
// Submit form.
$edit = array(
'subject' => $this
'message' => $this
->drupalPost($this->host_entity_path . '/registrations/broadcast', $edit, t('Send'));
->assertText(t('Registration broadcast sent to @count registrants.', array(
'@count' => 2,
)), t('Host entity broadcast form submitted.'), 'Registration');
// Verify emails were sent.
$mails = $this
$address_sent = array();
foreach ($mails as $mail) {
$address_sent[] = $mail['to'];
->assertTrue(in_array($user_a->mail, $address_sent), t('Registration email broadcast to authenticated account.'), 'Registration');
->assertTrue(in_array($anonymous_mail, $address_sent), t('Registration email broadcast to anonymous person.'), 'Registration');
* Check internal status modifiers.
* Capacity, opening, and closing dates.
function testHostRegistrationStatus() {
$user = \Drupal::currentUser();
$permissions = array(
'create ' . $this->registration_type_name . ' registration',
->checkPermissions($permissions, TRUE);
$basic_user = $this
$permissions = array(
'administer ' . $this->registration_type_name . ' registration',
->checkPermissions($permissions, TRUE);
$admin_user = $this
// Start with the basic user.
$user = $basic_user;
->assertFalse(registration_status($this->host_entity_type, $this->host_entity_id, TRUE), t('Default host entity status is closed.'), 'Registration');
'status' => 1,
'capacity' => 10,
->assertTrue(registration_status($this->host_entity_type, $this->host_entity_id, TRUE), t('Host entity main status is opened.'), 'Registration');
// Fill capacity.
$registrations = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
$registrations[$i] = $this
'count' => 2,
->assertFalse(registration_status($this->host_entity_type, $this->host_entity_id, TRUE), t('Host entity status is closed, filled with registrations.'), 'Registration');
// Unfill capacity by one registration.
->assertTrue(registration_status($this->host_entity_type, $this->host_entity_id, TRUE), t('Deleted a registration, capacity now not at maximum.'), 'Registration');
// Test dates.
'status' => 1,
'open' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 3600),
'close' => NULL,
->assertFalse(registration_status($this->host_entity_type, $this->host_entity_id, TRUE), t('Host entity status is closed, open time has not passed.'), 'Registration');
'status' => 1,
'open' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600),
'close' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 3600),
->assertTrue(registration_status($this->host_entity_type, $this->host_entity_id, TRUE), t('Host entity status is open, in between open and closing times.'), 'Registration');
'status' => 1,
'open' => NULL,
'close' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600),
->assertFalse(registration_status($this->host_entity_type, $this->host_entity_id, TRUE), t('Host entity status is closed, closing time has passed.'), 'Registration');
function testRegistrationCreateAccess() {
// With permissions.
$permissions = array(
'create ' . $this->registration_type_name . ' registration',
'create own ' . $this->registration_type_name . ' registration',
->checkPermissions($permissions, TRUE);
// Reset permission cache
$user = $this
->drupalGet($this->host_entity_path . '/register');
->assertResponse(403, t('Close default host entity status (database).'), 'Registration');
'status' => 1,
->drupalGet($this->host_entity_path . '/register');
->assertResponse(200, t('Open default host entity status (database).'), 'Registration');
->assertRaw(t('Save Registration'), t('User with create permissions access register tab.'), 'Registration');
* Tests for the registration add/edit form.
public function testRegistrationForm() {
// Setup environment - create all users we'll need for tests.
$permissions = array(
'create ' . $this->registration_type_name . ' registration',
'view own ' . $this->registration_type_name . ' registration',
'update own ' . $this->registration_type_name . ' registration',
'delete own ' . $this->registration_type_name . ' registration',
'create own ' . $this->registration_type_name . ' registration',
// Ensure permission set is valid before using them.
->checkPermissions($permissions, TRUE);
// Create user with many permissions.
$user = $this
// Create user with view permission only.
$permissions = array(
'view ' . $this->registration_type_name . ' registration',
->checkPermissions($permissions, TRUE);
$user_view_permission = $this
// Create a user with only "create own registration" permission to test with.
$permissions = array(
'create own ' . $this->registration_type_name . ' registration',
->checkPermissions($permissions, TRUE);
$user_register_self_permission = $this
// Create a user with no registration permissions to test with.
$user_no_permission = $this
// #######################################################################.
// Login as user with many permissions - create registration.
// #######################################################################.
// Configure registration settings on host entity.
'status' => 1,
'capacity' => 2,
'settings' => array(
'maximum_spaces' => 1,
// Submit a Registration form as the user with
// many registration permissions.
->drupalGet($this->host_entity_path . '/register');
->assertResponse(200, t('Register page loaded.'), 'Registration');
$registration_form = array(
->drupalPost($this->host_entity_path . '/register', $registration_form, t('Save Registration'));
->assertText(t('Registration for'), t('Registration saved.'), 'Registration');
// Load registration that was just created and it's ID to be used again.
$registration_a_id = $this
$registration_a = entity_load_single('registration', $registration_a_id);
// Ensure registration reports having space available.
// Capacity is set to 2 and only 1 user has registered.
->assertTrue(registration_has_room($this->host_entity_type, $this->host_entity_id), t('Space available'), 'Registration');
// #######################################################################.
// Login as user with only view permission.
// #######################################################################.
// Ensure user with view permission can the registration we just created.
->drupalGet('registration/' . $registration_a_id);
->assertResponse(200, t('User with permission can view registration'), 'Registration');
// #######################################################################.
// Login as user with no permissions.
// #######################################################################.
// User with no permission - try to create, view, edit, delete registration.
// Expect failure for all attempted operations.
->drupalGet($this->host_entity_path . '/register');
->assertResponse(403, t('User without permission cannot create registration.'), 'Registration');
->drupalGet('registration/' . $registration_a_id);
->assertResponse(403, t('User without permission cannot view registration.'), 'Registration');
->drupalGet('registration/' . $registration_a_id . '/edit');
->assertResponse(403, t('User without permission cannot edit registration.'), 'Registration');
->drupalGet('registration/' . $registration_a_id . '/delete');
->assertResponse(403, t('User without permission cannot delete registration.'), 'Registration');
// #######################################################################.
// Test registered users - not necessary to be logged in as a particular
// user for this section of assertions.
// #######################################################################.
// Create a duplicate copy of the registration and unset the ID because
// registration_is_registered will exclude the passed registration.
$registration_b = $registration_a;
->assertFalse(registration_is_registered($registration_b, $user_register_self_permission->mail), t('User who did not register is not registered.'), 'Registration');
->assertTrue(registration_is_registered($registration_b, $user->mail), t('User who registered is registered.'), 'Registration');
// #######################################################################.
// Login as user with many permissions - edit, then delete registration.
// #######################################################################.
// Edit a registration.
->drupalGet('registration/' . $registration_a_id . '/edit');
->assertResponse(200, t('User can access registration edit page.'), 'Registration');
$edit = array(
'registrant_mail' => $user_no_permission->mail,
->drupalPost('registration/' . $registration_a_id . '/edit', $edit, t('Save Registration'));
->assertText(t('Registration for'), t('Registration form saved.'), 'Registration');
$registration_a = entity_load_single('registration', $registration_a_id);
->drupalGet('registration/' . $registration_a_id);
->assertEqual($registration_a->registrant_id, $user_no_permission->uid, t('Changed user on registration edit form.'), 'Registration');
// Delete a registration.
->drupalGet('registration/' . $registration_a_id . '/delete');
->assertResponse(200, 'User can access registration delete confirmation page.', 'Registration');
->drupalPost('registration/' . $registration_a_id . '/delete', array(), t('Delete'));
->assertFalse(entity_load_single('registration', $registration_a_id), t('Deleted registration via form'), 'Registration');
function testRegistrationHostDelete() {
$user_a = $this
// Delete the host entity.
$user_b = $this
$registration_a = $this
'author_uid' => $user_a->uid,
'registrant_id' => $user_b->uid,
->assertFalse(entity_load_single($this->host_entity_type, $this->host_entity_id), t('Delete host entity.'), 'Registration');
->assertFalse(entity_load_single('registration', $registration_a->registration_id), t('Delete registration when host entity is deleted.'), 'Registration');
* Ensure registrations are processed when a user is cancelled.
* Tests authorship, and people association, of registrations.
function testUserCancel() {
$admin = $this
'administer users',
// Blocking a user.
$user = $this
$registration = $this
'author_uid' => $user->uid,
$edit = array(
'user_cancel_method' => 'user_cancel_block',
->drupalPost('user/' . $user->uid . '/cancel', $edit, t('Cancel account'));
$registration_reload = $this
->assertTrue($registration_reload instanceof Registration, t('Blocking a user does not modify his registrations.'));
// Reassign a users content.
$user = $this
$registration_author = $this
'author_uid' => $user->uid,
$registration_people = $this
'registrant_id' => $user->uid,
$edit = array(
'user_cancel_method' => 'user_cancel_reassign',
->drupalPost('user/' . $user->uid . '/cancel', $edit, t('Cancel account'));
$registration_author_db = $this
->assertTrue($registration_author_db->author_uid == 0, t('Cancelling user, and reassigning registrations he is author, to anonymous.'));
$registration_people_db = $this
->assertTrue($registration_people_db->registrant_id == NULL, t('Cancelling user, and reassigning registrations he is associated, to anonymous.'));
// Delete a users content.
$user = $this
$registration_author = $this
'author_uid' => $user->uid,
$registration_people = $this
'registrant_id' => $user->uid,
$edit = array(
'user_cancel_method' => 'user_cancel_delete',
->drupalPost('user/' . $user->uid . '/cancel', $edit, t('Cancel account'));
$registration_author_db = $this
->assertFalse($registration_author_db, t('Deleting user, deletes registrations he authored.'));
$registration_people_db = $this
->assertTrue($registration_people_db->registrant_id == NULL, t('Deleting user, and reassigning registrations he is associated, to anonymous.'));