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function registration_checkin_prepare_registrants_checkin_build in Entity Registration 7.2

Helper function to prepare swappable render array of registrants.


string $registrant_markup: Arbitrary html string that is the markup for the registrants list.

Return value

array A render array containing the registrant listing markup that works with the AJAX search functionality in the search form.

2 calls to registration_checkin_prepare_registrants_checkin_build()
registration_checkin_list_page in modules/registration_checkin/
Page callback: Show a list of active registrations that can be checked in.
registration_checkin_search_form_reset in modules/registration_checkin/registration_checkin.module
AJAX callback to reset the checkin table back to an unfiltered state.


modules/registration_checkin/registration_checkin.module, line 454
Entity Registration registrant checkin workflow and UI for registration.


function registration_checkin_prepare_registrants_checkin_build($registrant_markup) {
  $registrants_build = array(
    '#type' => 'container',
    '#attributes' => array(
      'id' => array(
    'markup' => array(
      '#markup' => $registrant_markup,
  return $registrants_build;