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function regcode_admin_list_preparerow in Registration codes 6

Format the raw records coming from the database into something more readable


array $row The associative array of a current row:

Return value

array The human readable array

1 call to regcode_admin_list_preparerow()
regcode_admin_list_getmarkup in ./regcode.admin.php
Return the marked up list for display


./regcode.admin.php, line 674
Functions and pages needed for the administration interface for the regcode module.


function regcode_admin_list_preparerow($row) {
  $row = array_map('check_plain', $row);

  // Date fields are integers. Safe to check_plain().
  $datefields = array(

  // Format the dates
  foreach ($datefields as $date) {
    if (empty($row[$date])) {
      $row[$date] = '-';
    else {
      $row[$date] = sprintf('<span title="%s">%s</span>', format_date(strtotime($row[$date])), format_date(strtotime($row[$date]), 'custom', 'Y/n/j'));

  // Format the booleans
  $row['is_active'] = $row['is_active'] ? 'Yes' : 'No';

  // Format the UID
  if (!empty($row['uid'])) {
    $row['uid'] = l($row['uid'], 'user/' . $row['uid']);
  else {
    $row['uid'] = '-';

  // Format the maxuses
  if ($row['maxuses'] === '0') {
    $row['maxuses'] = '-';

  // Add actions
  $row['actions'] = l(t('Delete'), 'admin/user/regcodes/delete/' . $row['rid'], array(
    'query' => array(
      'token' => drupal_get_token($row['rid']),

  // Allow other modules to play with the row
  foreach (module_implements('regcode_preparerow') as $module) {
    $hook = $module . '_regcode_preparerow';
  return $row;