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function references_dialog_references_dialog_entity_admin_paths in References dialog 7

Implements hook_references_dialog_entity_admin_paths().


./references_dialog.module, line 731
This the main module file.


function references_dialog_references_dialog_entity_admin_paths() {

  // We define the add and edit page callbacks for core entities here.
  $admin_paths = array(
    'node' => array(
      'add' => 'node/add/[bundle-sanitized]',
      'edit' => 'node/[entity_id]/edit',
    'taxonomy_term' => array(
      'edit' => 'taxonomy/term/[entity_id]/edit',
      'add' => 'admin/structure/taxonomy/[bundle]/add',
    // Dealing with taxonomy vocabularies like this is kind of silly,
    // and accessing them is a bit harder since their admin page is accessible
    // through their machine name, so we leave it at just adding them for now.
    'taxonomy_vocabulary' => array(
      'add' => 'admin/structure/taxonomy/add',
    'comment' => array(
      'edit' => 'comment/[entity_id]/edit',
    'user' => array(
      'add' => 'admin/people/create',
      'edit' => 'user/[entity_id]/edit',

  // The media module adds an edit callback for media as well.
  // Note: this will probably not work until file_entity provides an access
  // API, see
  if (module_exists('media')) {
    $admin_paths['file'] = array(
      'edit' => 'media/[entity_id]/edit',

  // Bean provides add and edit paths for custom entities.
  if (module_exists('bean')) {
    $admin_paths['bean'] = array(
      'add' => 'block/add/[bundle-sanitized]',
      'edit' => 'block/[entity_id]/edit',
  return $admin_paths;