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function references_dialog_element_info_alter in References dialog 7

Implements hook_element_info_alter().


./references_dialog.module, line 72
This the main module file.


function references_dialog_element_info_alter(&$info) {

  // Add #after_builds to widgets that needs them.
  foreach (references_dialog_widgets() as $widget) {

    // If this element type is specified as a type that a widget should be
    // attached to, go ahead and make it so.
    if (isset($info[$widget['element_type']]) && (!isset($info[$widget['element_type']]['#after_build']) || !in_array('references_dialog_process_widget', $info[$widget['element_type']]['#after_build']))) {
      $info[$widget['element_type']]['#after_build'][] = 'references_dialog_process_widget';