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protected function ReferenceOptionLimitEntityreferenceTestCaseBase::getNodeByTitle in Reference field option limit 7

Helper for getting a node by title.

This works for retrieving both country and city nodes.


$node_title: The title of the node to get.

Return value

A node entity.

5 calls to ReferenceOptionLimitEntityreferenceTestCaseBase::getNodeByTitle()
ReferenceOptionLimitEntityreferenceTestCase::changeFieldSettings in tests/reference_option_limit.test
Helper to change the field settings.
ReferenceOptionLimitEntityreferenceTestCase::getEditArray in tests/reference_option_limit.test
Helper to get the values for POST and AJAX operations.
ReferenceOptionLimitEntityreferenceTestCase::helperTestNodeCreateForm in tests/reference_option_limit.test
Helper to run tests.
ReferenceOptionLimitEntityreferenceTestCase::rolPostAJAXCountryField in tests/reference_option_limit.test
Wrapper around drupalPostAJAX() for updating the country field.
ReferenceOptionLimitProfile2TestCase::testProfile2Form in tests/reference_option_limit.test
Test the functionality of Profile2 fields on a user edit form.


tests/reference_option_limit.test, line 206
Contains tests for the Reference option limit module.


Common base class for test cases that use entityreference fields.


protected function getNodeByTitle($title) {
  $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
    ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node');
    ->propertyCondition('title', $title);
  $result = $query

  // We expect only one node to satisfy this query.
  $nids = array_keys($result['node']);
  $node = node_load(array_pop($nids));
    ->assertTrue($node, format_string("Node id !nid with the given title %title was found.", array(
    '!nid' => $node->nid,
    '%title' => $title,
  return $node;