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function ReferenceOptionLimitEntityreferenceTestCase::rolPostAJAXCountryField in Reference field option limit 7

Wrapper around drupalPostAJAX() for updating the country field.

This allows for the differing structures required in the POST data array for different form elements.


$country_node_title: The title of the country node to set on the country field.

$settings: The array of field settings passed to helperTestNodeCreateForm().

1 call to ReferenceOptionLimitEntityreferenceTestCase::rolPostAJAXCountryField()
ReferenceOptionLimitEntityreferenceTestCase::helperTestNodeCreateForm in tests/reference_option_limit.test
Helper to run tests.


tests/reference_option_limit.test, line 498
Contains tests for the Reference option limit module.


Test use of the module with entityreference fields.


function rolPostAJAXCountryField($country_node_title, $settings) {
  if ($settings['widget'] . '-' . $settings['cardinality'] == 'options_buttons-' . FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED) {

    // Special case for checkboxes: because each checkbox is a separate form
    // element, we have to unselect all the other values first.
    $cities = reference_option_limit_test_entityreference_cities();
    foreach (array_unique($cities) as $country_name) {
      if ($country_name != $country_node_title) {
        $excluded_node = $this
        $edit = array();

        // Checkboxes must use FALSE -- see handleForm().
        $edit["test_rol_er_country[und][{$excluded_node->nid}]"] = FALSE;
          ->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, $edit, "test_rol_er_country[und][{$excluded_node->nid}]");
  $post_data = $this
    ->getEditArray($country_node_title, $settings);
    ->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, $post_data['edit'], $post_data['triggering_element']);