reference_option_limit.module in Reference field option limit 7
This module allows reference fields of several types to have their available options limited by the values of other fields in the current entity. An example best illustrates this: Suppose you want news stories to be marked as being about a sport and a particular team for that sport, perhaps using taxonomy terms for both. To make editing easier, you would probably like want the 'team' dropdown to be limited to just teams for the current news story's sport. You would add the 'sport' field to both news story nodes and team taxonomy terms. Hence the team 'Chudley Cannons' would have as its team taxonomy term 'Quidditch'. (This probably entails taxonomy term reference fields on terms themselves... which was bound to happen with FieldAPI sooner or later.) Thus, when editing a news story node, selecting 'Quidditch' as the sport will cause the team reference field to update to show only teams which also have Quidditch' as *their* sport.
Terminology: option limited field: a field whose type is some sort of reference, whose reference options we limit with this module. matching field: a field whose values we use to limit the options in an option limited field. We do this by requiring that the field be applied to both:
- the entity bundle that bears the option limited field itself
- the entity bundle(s) that the option limited field may refer to
Rationale for the way it works:
- Setting a custom options_list_callback in hook_field_info_alter() is doomed because that gets no data about the form or the entity.
- make this language-aware. I have no idea how to do this and LANGUAGE_NONE is peppered throughout!
- figure out ajax for multiple option limited fields on one entity.
- don't limit on create entity form when matching fields have no default values.
- various other things in the code.
reference_option_limit.moduleView source
* @file reference_option_limit.module
* This module allows reference fields of several types to have their available
* options limited by the values of other fields in the current entity.
* An example best illustrates this:
* Suppose you want news stories to be marked as being about a sport and a
* particular team for that sport, perhaps using taxonomy terms for both.
* To make editing easier, you would probably like want the 'team' dropdown to
* be limited to just teams for the current news story's sport.
* You would add the 'sport' field to both news story nodes and team
* taxonomy terms. Hence the team 'Chudley Cannons' would have as its team
* taxonomy term 'Quidditch'.
* (This probably entails taxonomy term reference fields on terms
* themselves... which was bound to happen with FieldAPI sooner or later.)
* Thus, when editing a news story node, selecting 'Quidditch' as the sport
* will cause the team reference field to update to show only teams which
* also have Quidditch' as *their* sport.
* Terminology:
* option limited field: a field whose type is some sort of reference, whose
* reference options we limit with this module.
* matching field: a field whose values we use to limit the options in an
* option limited field. We do this by requiring that the field be applied
* to both:
* - the entity bundle that bears the option limited field itself
* - the entity bundle(s) that the option limited field may refer to
* Rationale for the way it works:
* - Setting a custom options_list_callback in hook_field_info_alter() is
* doomed because that gets no data about the form or the entity.
* @todo:
* - make this language-aware. I have no idea how to do this and LANGUAGE_NONE
* is peppered throughout!
* - figure out ajax for multiple option limited fields on one entity.
* - don't limit on create entity form when matching fields have no default values.
* - various other things in the code.
* Define the list of field types we work with.
function reference_option_limit_get_field_types() {
return array(
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(): field_ui_field_edit_form
* Add our options to field settings forms.
function reference_option_limit_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
// Bail if this is not a field type we can work with.
if (!in_array($form['#field']['type'], reference_option_limit_get_field_types())) {
// Get the fields instances on the current bundle, ie fields that have
// widgets that sit alongside the one we are editing.
$current_entity_type = $form['#instance']['entity_type'];
$current_bundle = $form['#instance']['bundle'];
$current_bundle_instances = field_info_instances($current_entity_type, $current_bundle);
// Get the fields that are on the bundles of the referred entity that this
// reference field can point at. In other words, if this is a taxonomy term
// reference field, get the fields defined on the vocabulary whose terms we
// can point to.
$referred_entity_type = reference_option_limit_get_referred_entity_type($form['#field']);
$referred_bundles = reference_option_limit_get_referred_entity_bundle($form['#field']);
$referred_entity_instances = field_info_instances($referred_entity_type);
// Get candidate fields for matching. They must exist on all bundles and also exist here.
$matching_fields = array();
$matching_field_options = array();
foreach ($current_bundle_instances as $field_name => $field) {
foreach ($referred_bundles as $referred_bundle) {
if (isset($referred_entity_instances[$referred_bundle][$field_name])) {
$matching_fields[$field_name] = $field;
$matching_field_options[$field_name] = $field['label'] . ' (' . $field_name . ')';
// @todo: we possibly want to remove 'body' from this list!
// Options limiting is possible if there is at least one common field.
$options_limit_possible = count($matching_field_options) > 0;
// Add a checkbox to enable the whole thing.
$form['instance']['options_limit'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t("Limit this field's options according to matching field values"),
'#description' => t("This will limit the options presented in this field's widget to only those entities that match the current entity in certain field values."),
'#default_value' => isset($form['#instance']['options_limit']) ? $form['#instance']['options_limit'] : FALSE,
if (!$options_limit_possible) {
$form['instance']['options_limit']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
$form['instance']['options_limit']['#description'] .= ' ' . t("This option is only available when both the current entity bundle and the referred entity bundle(s) have fields in common.");
// We need to force this to FALSE in case it was previously set and the
// fields have since been changed.
$form['instance']['options_limit']['#default_value'] = FALSE;
$form['instance']['options_limit_fieldset'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Option limiting settings'),
'#states' => array(
// Only show the fields when the whole thing is enabled.
'visible' => array(
'input[name="instance[options_limit]"]' => array(
'checked' => TRUE,
$form['instance']['options_limit_fieldset']['options_limit_fields'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkboxes',
'#title' => t("Matching fields"),
'#description' => t("Only referrable entities whose values in these fields match the values in the entity being edited will be available to select in this field."),
'#options' => $matching_field_options,
'#default_value' => isset($form['#instance']['options_limit']) ? $form['#instance']['options_limit_fields'] : array(),
// #parents allows the fieldset form element to be ignored when saving.
// @see this core bug for why we can't just set #tree = FALSE
'#parents' => array(
$form['instance']['options_limit_fieldset']['options_limit_empty_behaviour'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t("Hide all options if nothing is selected in the matching field(s)"),
'#description' => t("This will cause the field to show no options at all when adding new entities and the matching field(s) have no values set."),
'#default_value' => !empty($form['#instance']['options_limit_empty_behaviour']),
'#parents' => array(
* Helper to get the entity type a reference field refers to.
* @param $field
* A field definition.
* @return
* The machine name of the entity type.
function reference_option_limit_get_referred_entity_type($field) {
switch ($field['type']) {
case 'taxonomy_term_reference':
return 'taxonomy_term';
case 'entityreference':
return $field['settings']['target_type'];
* Helper to get the entity bundle a reference field refers to.
* @param $field
* A field definition.
* @return
* An array of bundle names.
function reference_option_limit_get_referred_entity_bundle($field) {
switch ($field['type']) {
case 'taxonomy_term_reference':
return array(
case 'entityreference':
$bundles = $field['settings']['handler_settings']['target_bundles'];
// Simple case: there's a list of bundles. Hooray!
if (count($bundles)) {
return $bundles;
// If there isn't, we may be dealing with one of those sneaky entities
// that is single-bundled but because it has no bundle entity key,
// gets stored with nothing here. Eg, 'user'.
// So we'll have to fake it.
$entity_info = entity_get_info($field['settings']['target_type']);
if (count($entity_info['bundles'])) {
$bundle = key($entity_info['bundles']);
$bundles = array(
$bundle => $bundle,
return $bundles;
// Final case: there are no bundles. This means it's not a fieldable
// entity being referenced but we need to return something.
return array();
* Implements hook_field_widget_form_alter().
* Limit the options in the reference widget.
* Though this in fact does no such thing, because at this point in the form
* building process we can't see the entity's existing values as they are
* #default_values on form elements that don't exist yet.
* And since those form elements don't exist yet, we can't set up the ajax
* on them either.
* We instead get our settings and stash them in the $form_state for
* hook_field_attach_form() to find and act on.
function reference_option_limit_field_widget_form_alter(&$element, &$form_state, $context) {
// Do nothing when this is being shown for defaults in the field settings.
// @todo: find a better test than this very brittle one.
// @see bug report at
if (isset($context['form']['#title']) && $context['form']['#title'] == t('Default value')) {
// Do nothing if this field is being spoofed into a Views Bulk Operations
// action form.
if (isset($form_state['step'])) {
// Do nothing unless instance setting is set.
if (!isset($context['instance']['options_limit']) || !$context['instance']['options_limit']) {
//dsm($context, 'context');
//dsm($element, 'element');
//dsm($form_state, 'fs');
// Get our settings for this field instance.
$field_name = $context['field']['field_name'];
// Unselected checkboxes end up here as 0s. Surely this is babysitting :(
$fields_match = array_filter($context['instance']['options_limit_fields']);
// Stash our settings in $form_state so hook_form_alter() can find them.
// We need to do this because in this current hook we can only see this
// field's form element.
// When in ajax, these are already here!!!!
$settings = array(
'field' => $field_name,
// We may not be at the top level of the form; this tells us where we
// actually are.
'field_parents' => $element['#field_parents'],
'fields_match' => $fields_match,
// If there's a better way for hook_form_alter() to get these values than
// stashing them here, file a patch! ;)
'entity_type' => $context['instance']['entity_type'],
'entity_bundle' => $context['instance']['bundle'],
'empty_behaviour' => !empty($context['instance']['options_limit_empty_behaviour']),
// Allow for settings for more than one field.
$form_state['reference_option_limit'][$field_name] = $settings;
* Implements hook_field_attach_form().
* We sniff out the settings we left in hook_field_widget_form_alter()
* and use them to alter other elements in the entity form.
function reference_option_limit_field_attach_form($entity_type, $entity, &$form, &$form_state, $langcode) {
// Check that the form is one we need to act on.
if (!isset($form_state['reference_option_limit'])) {
// If we are on an AJAX call, check that it's one that concerns us.
if (!empty($form_state['triggering_element'])) {
// Determine whether the triggering element is part of a field widget, and
// if so which one.
$triggering_element_parents = $form_state['triggering_element']['#parents'];
// Because we're using hook_field_attach_form(), we possibly don't have the
// complete form as the $form parameter, as it can be the case that the
// entity fields are attached to a sub-element of the entire form (this
// happens with Profile2 module, for example).
// In this case, we need to trim path elements off the front of the
// '#parents' array. We don't need to match them up (and indeed we shouldn't
// use array_intersect() or array_diff() because there may be repeated path
// components) as it suffices to remove the count of '#field_parents'
// elements from the front of '#parents'.
if (isset($form_state['triggering_element']['#field_parents'])) {
$triggering_element_parents = array_slice($triggering_element_parents, count($form_state['triggering_element']['#field_parents']));
// Work up the triggering element's parents in the form and see if one of
// them is the main form element for a field.
$triggering_element_field_name = NULL;
while ($triggering_element_parents) {
$element = drupal_array_get_nested_value($form, $triggering_element_parents);
if (isset($element['#field_name'])) {
// We've found the main form element for a field: we're done.
$triggering_element_field_name = $element['#field_name'];
// Go one up in the parents array.
if (empty($triggering_element_field_name)) {
// We found no field name, so the AJAX button has nothing to do with any
// field and it's of no concern to us: bail.
// Flag to keep track of whether we've matched something. If it remains
// FALSE after the foreach loop, we should not go further.
$match = FALSE;
// Check each limited field to see if the AJAX trigger is one of its
// matching fields.
foreach ($form_state['reference_option_limit'] as $field_name => $settings) {
// Try to find triggering element field name in the list of matching
// fields.
if (in_array($triggering_element_field_name, $settings['fields_match'])) {
$match = TRUE;
// Store the path of the form element we're limiting for our AJAX
// callback to return. This saves the callback from repeating the work
// we've just done here.
// We are however too early in the form build process for the
// '#array_parents' property to have been set, so we have to build
// this ourselves: the path is the '#field_parents' with the field
// name appended.
$form_path = $settings['field_parents'];
$form_path[] = $field_name;
$form_state['reference_option_limit_ajax_return'] = $form_path;
if ($match == FALSE) {
// The triggering element has nothing to do with our fields: bail.
//dsm($form, 'hfa form');
//dsm($form_state, 'hfa fs');
// There are three cases:
// - A. Fresh form with an existing entity.
// - B. Fresh form with a new entity.
// - C. AJAXing with form values.
// For case C, we have form values coming in and we need to get hold of them
// to match on. The simplest way to do this is to build an entity from them,
// as though the form were being submitted for saving. This allows FieldAPI to
// handle the job of extracting values from the field form elements, which it
// can do better than us as it delegates to field type modules as needed.
if (isset($form_state['values'])) {
entity_form_submit_build_entity($entity_type, $entity, $form, $form_state);
// Get the entity ID to distinguish between cases A and B.
list($id) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
// For each field to work on.
foreach ($form_state['reference_option_limit'] as $settings) {
// Get the current field name, info, and instance.
$field_name_option_limited = $settings['field'];
$field_option_limited = field_info_field($field_name_option_limited);
$field_instance_option_limited = field_info_instance($settings['entity_type'], $field_name_option_limited, $settings['entity_bundle']);
// Get the form element to act on.
$element_limited =& $form[$field_name_option_limited];
// Add a wrapper div to the limited field for the ajax to work on.
$settings['ajax_wrapper'] = 'reference-options-limit-' . str_replace('_', '-', $field_name_option_limited);
$element_limited['#prefix'] = '<div id="' . $settings['ajax_wrapper'] . '">';
$element_limited['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$match_columns = array();
$match_values = array();
$matching_field_labels = array();
// Iterate over each matching field, ie, those we match values with.
foreach ($settings['fields_match'] as $field_name_matching) {
$parents = $settings['field_parents'];
$parents[] = $field_name_matching;
$element_matching =& $form[$field_name_matching];
// Make each matchable field ajaxy so its changes cause the limited
// field to update itself.
$element_matching[LANGUAGE_NONE]['#ajax'] = array(
'callback' => 'reference_option_limit_js',
'wrapper' => $settings['ajax_wrapper'],
'method' => 'replace',
'effect' => 'fade',
'event' => 'change',
$field_info_matching = field_info_field($field_name_matching);
//dsm($field_info_matching, '$field_info_matching');
// We build up an array of the labels of all matching fields in case
// we need it further down for a UI message.
$field_instance_matching = field_info_instance($settings['entity_type'], $field_name_matching, $settings['entity_bundle']);
$matching_field_labels[] = $field_instance_matching['label'];
// Get the list of columns we should be extracting from the form and
// then matching on.
$match_columns[$field_name_matching] = reference_option_limit_get_match_columns($field_info_matching);
// Build an array of field values to match on. This is keyed first by
// field name, and then by delta (or with default values, whatever).
// Where we get these from depends on the current situation.
$match_values[$field_name_matching] = array();
if (isset($form_state['values']) || !empty($id)) {
// This is either:
// - a form AJAX call: field values are in the $form_state, and our
// earlier call to entity_form_submit_build_entity() has spoofed them
// into the entity.
// - a fresh form for an existing entity.
// In both cases, we can read the values off the entity.
$values_field_matching = field_get_items($entity_type, $entity, $field_name_matching);
// @todo: Figure out what on earth should happen when we have more than one column!
$column = $match_columns[$field_name_matching][0];
foreach ($values_field_matching as $delta => $item) {
$match_values[$field_name_matching][$delta] = $item[$column];
else {
// This is an initial build of the form for a new entity.
// Rather than look at the default values in the form, where different
// widgets will have different array structures, get the default value
// directly from the field instance, where it will be in a standard
// form.
$match_values[$field_name_matching] = field_get_default_value($settings['entity_type'], $entity, $field_info_matching, $field_instance_matching);
//dsm($match_values, 'mv');
// @todo: figure out if there is a way to distinguish between these cases:
// 1: there are no matching values at all for some reason
// 2: we are on a form for creating a new entity and no default is set for anything
// and hence we should not limit at all.
$referred_entity_type = reference_option_limit_get_referred_entity_type($field_option_limited);
$referred_bundles = reference_option_limit_get_referred_entity_bundle($field_option_limited);
// Get our entities to refer to.
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
->entityCondition('entity_type', $referred_entity_type);
// Limit for all the referrable bundles.
foreach ($referred_bundles as $bundle_name) {
->entityCondition('bundle', $bundle_name);
// Limit for the matching field values.
foreach ($settings['fields_match'] as $field_name_matching) {
// @todo: handle more than one column to match on.
$column = $match_columns[$field_name_matching][0];
$values = $match_values[$field_name_matching];
// We currently treat multiple values on one field as an OR condition,
// i.e., we limit by any of the values but not all of them.
// @todo: Add a UI option to make this an AND condition.
if (empty($values) && $settings['empty_behaviour']) {
$values = array(
if (!empty($values)) {
->fieldCondition($field_name_matching, $column, $values, 'IN');
// Add ordering of the entities based on field settings.
switch ($field_option_limited['type']) {
case 'entityreference':
// Get the entityreference field sort settings.
$sort_settings = $field_option_limited['settings']['handler_settings']['sort'];
switch ($sort_settings['type']) {
case 'property':
->propertyOrderBy($sort_settings['property'], $sort_settings['direction']);
case 'field':
list($field, $column) = explode(':', $sort_settings['field'], 2);
->fieldOrderBy($field, $column, $sort_settings['direction']);
case 'taxonomy_term_reference':
// Taxonomy terms just sort by weight.
->propertyOrderBy('weight', 'ASC');
$result = $query
// Load the resulting entities.
if (!empty($result[$referred_entity_type])) {
$option_entities = entity_load($referred_entity_type, array_keys($result[$referred_entity_type]));
else {
$option_entities = array();
// Build an array of options.
$options_limited = array();
foreach ($option_entities as $option_entity) {
list($opt_id, $opt_vid, $opt_bundle) = entity_extract_ids($referred_entity_type, $option_entity);
$options_limited[$opt_id] = entity_label($referred_entity_type, $option_entity);
$options_limited_empty = count($options_limited) == 0;
// Do the same prep work as options_field_widget_form() on our instance
// to get a properties array to pass to _options_prepare_options().
$type = str_replace('options_', '', $field_instance_option_limited['widget']['type']);
$multiple = $field_option_limited['cardinality'] > 1 || $field_option_limited['cardinality'] == FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED;
$required = $element_limited[LANGUAGE_NONE]['#required'];
$has_value = TRUE;
// isset($items[0][$value_key]); ?????
$properties = _options_properties($type, $multiple, $required, $has_value);
// Do the same work as _options_get_options(), since that invokes the field module hook.
// Sanitize the options.
_options_prepare_options($options_limited, $properties);
if (!$properties['optgroups']) {
$options_limited = options_array_flatten($options_limited);
if ($properties['empty_option']) {
$label = theme('options_none', array(
'instance' => $field_instance_option_limited,
'option' => $properties['empty_option'],
$options_limited = array(
'_none' => $label,
) + $options_limited;
//dsm($options_limited, '$options_limited post stuff');
// Add an explanation if there are no options to select at all.
if ($options_limited_empty) {
$element_limited[LANGUAGE_NONE]['#description'] .= ' ' . t('<b>No options are available for the current form values. Try selecting different values for the following fields: @fields.</b>', array(
'@fields' => implode(', ', $matching_field_labels),
// Set the new options into the form element.
$element_limited[LANGUAGE_NONE]['#options'] = $options_limited;
// foreach settings
* Helper to get the field columns to match values on.
* This is needed because not all field types have all columns populated in the
* form values (ie $form_state['values]) array.
* @param $field
* A field definition.
* @return
* An array of the column keys that should be looked at when matching.
function reference_option_limit_get_match_columns($field) {
// Handle special cases.
switch ($field['type']) {
case 'entityreference':
// The 'target_type' column appears to be absent in form values.
return array(
// For everything else we can just return the definition.
return array_keys($field['columns']);
* Ajax callback for the updated term reference field.
function reference_option_limit_js($form, $form_state) {
// We stored the path of the form element we need to return earlier on.
$form_return_element = drupal_array_get_nested_value($form, $form_state['reference_option_limit_ajax_return']);
if ($messages = theme('status_messages')) {
$form_return_element['messages'] = array(
'#markup' => '<div class="views-messages">' . $messages . '</div>',
return $form_return_element;
* Get all instances of a field on an entity type which have an option limit.
* @param $entity_type
* The name of an entity type.
* @param $field_name
* The name of a field.
* @return
* An array keyed by bundle name where each item is a field instance array.
function reference_option_get_entity_option_limited_instances($entity_type, $field_name) {
$option_limited_instances = array();
$type_bundles = field_info_instances($entity_type);
foreach ($type_bundles as $bundle => $bundle_instances) {
if (isset($bundle_instances[$field_name]) && !empty($bundle_instances[$field_name]['options_limit'])) {
$option_limited_instances[$bundle] = $bundle_instances[$field_name];
return $option_limited_instances;
* Implements hook_views_api().
function reference_option_limit_views_api() {
return array(
'api' => '3.0-alpha1',
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'reference_option_limit'),
Name![]() |
Description |
reference_option_get_entity_option_limited_instances | Get all instances of a field on an entity type which have an option limit. |
reference_option_limit_field_attach_form | Implements hook_field_attach_form(). |
reference_option_limit_field_widget_form_alter | Implements hook_field_widget_form_alter(). |
reference_option_limit_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter | Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(): field_ui_field_edit_form |
reference_option_limit_get_field_types | Define the list of field types we work with. |
reference_option_limit_get_match_columns | Helper to get the field columns to match values on. |
reference_option_limit_get_referred_entity_bundle | Helper to get the entity bundle a reference field refers to. |
reference_option_limit_get_referred_entity_type | Helper to get the entity type a reference field refers to. |
reference_option_limit_js | Ajax callback for the updated term reference field. |
reference_option_limit_views_api | Implements hook_views_api(). |