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function redhen_admin_menu_output_build in RedHen CRM 7

Implements hook_admin_menu_output_build().

Add RedHen to the admin menu.


./redhen.module, line 66
Defines basic functionality common to all parts of the Redhen CRM.


function redhen_admin_menu_output_build(&$content) {

  // Load menu builder functions.
  module_load_include('inc', 'admin_menu');

  // Because it isn't assigned an explicit menu, the 'redhen' menu item is
  // added to the 'navigation' menu by default. However, in case it has been
  // moved to a different menu, query to find the menu name.
  if ($menu_name = db_query("SELECT menu_name FROM {menu_links} WHERE router_path = 'redhen'")
    ->fetchField()) {
    $items = admin_menu_links_menu(admin_menu_tree($menu_name));
    if (isset($items['redhen'])) {

      // Peg position to that of the admin/people menu item.
      if (isset($content['menu']['admin/people'])) {
        $items['redhen']['#weight'] = $content['menu']['admin/people']['#weight'];

      // Change title from "CRM Dashboard". No need for t() here because it's a
      // product name.
      $items['redhen']['#title'] = 'RedHen';
      $content['menu']['redhen'] = $items['redhen'];