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function redhen_org_group_contact_groups in RedHen CRM 7

Return all redhen_org groups that a given user belongs to.


object $account: User object

bool $private: Optionally limit to private groups.

string $bundle: Optionally limit to groups that accept posts of a given bundle.

bool $active: Optionally limit to groups user has active relation with.

Return value

array An array of redhen_orgs keyed by organization id.

3 calls to redhen_org_group_contact_groups()
RedhenGroupSelectionHandler::getContactGroups in modules/redhen_org_group/plugins/selection/RedhenGroupSelectionHandler.class.php
Return all redhen_org groups that a given user belongs to.
redhen_org_group_content_access in modules/redhen_org_group/redhen_org_group.module
Access callback for the group content page.
redhen_org_group_node_grants in modules/redhen_org_group/redhen_org_group.module
Implements hook_node_grants().


modules/redhen_org_group/redhen_org_group.module, line 214


function redhen_org_group_contact_groups($account, $private = FALSE, $bundle = NULL, $active = TRUE) {
  $account_groups = drupal_static(__FUNCTION__ . $account->uid . $private . $bundle . $active, array());
  if (!empty($account_groups)) {
    return $account_groups;

  // Get all orgs the given account is connected to.
  $group_types = array_keys(redhen_org_group_group_types($private, $bundle));

  // There are no group types, so the contact is obviously not in an org group.
  if (empty($group_types)) {
    return array();
  if ($contact = redhen_contact_user_contact($account)) {
    $relations = redhen_relation_relations($contact, REDHEN_RELATION_AFFILIATION, $active);
    foreach ($relations as $relation_id => $orgs) {
      foreach ($orgs as $org) {
        if (in_array($org->type, $group_types)) {
          $account_groups[$org->org_id] = $org;
  if ($account->uid > 0) {

    // If not anonymous, get all groups.
    $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
      ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'redhen_org')
      ->entityCondition('bundle', $group_types, 'IN')
      ->propertyCondition('redhen_state', REDHEN_STATE_ACTIVE);
    if (!user_access('access all redhen org groups', $account)) {

      // If user doesn't have permission to all groups, just get authored groups.
        ->propertyCondition('author_uid', $account->uid);
    $result = $query
    if ($result) {
      $orgs = redhen_org_load_multiple(array_keys($result['redhen_org']));
      foreach ($orgs as $org) {
        $account_groups[$org->org_id] = $org;
  return $account_groups;