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function redhen_org_token_info in RedHen CRM 8

Implements hook_token_info().


modules/redhen_org/redhen_org.module, line 128
Contains redhen_org.module..


function redhen_org_token_info() {
  $type = [
    'name' => t('Organization'),
    'description' => t('Tokens related to an individual Organizations.'),
    'needs-data' => 'redhen_org',
  $redhen_org['id'] = [
    'name' => t('Organization ID'),
    'description' => t('The unique ID of the Organization.'),
  $redhen_org['name'] = [
    'name' => t('Organization Name'),
    'description' => t('The name of the Organization.'),
  $redhen_org['type'] = [
    'name' => t('Organization Type'),
    'description' => t('The type (bundle) of the Organization.'),
  $redhen_org['status'] = [
    'name' => t('Organization Status'),
    'description' => t('The status of the Organization.'),
  $redhen_org['created'] = [
    'name' => t('Organization Created'),
    'description' => t('The timestamp the Organization was created.'),
  return [
    'types' => [
      'redhen_org' => $type,
    'tokens' => [
      'redhen_org' => $redhen_org,