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function redhen_contact_type_options_list in RedHen CRM 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 modules/redhen_contact/redhen_contact.module \redhen_contact_type_options_list()

Return an associative array of contact types to be used as an options list.

Return value

array Keyed by name with a label value.

1 call to redhen_contact_type_options_list()
redhen_contact_redhen_settings in modules/redhen_contact/redhen_contact.module
Implements hook_redhen_settings().
1 string reference to 'redhen_contact_type_options_list'
RedhenContactMetadataController::entityPropertyInfo in modules/redhen_contact/lib/
Overrides entityPropertyInfo().


modules/redhen_contact/redhen_contact.module, line 732
Module file for RedHen contacts.


function redhen_contact_type_options_list() {
  $options = array();
  foreach (redhen_contact_get_types() as $type) {
    $options[$type->name] = $type
  return $options;