function _recovery_pass_request_new_password in Recovery Password (Email New Password) 7
1 string reference to '_recovery_pass_request_new_password'
- recovery_pass_services_resources in ./ - Implements hook_services_resources().
- ./, line 3
function _recovery_pass_request_new_password($user = NULL) {
global $language;
$user = trim($user);
$user = user_load_by_name($user);
// Generate random password.
$random_password = user_password();
// Store Old Hash Password Temporarily.
if (!_recovery_pass_store_old_pass($user)) {
watchdog('recovery_pass', 'Error saving old password for user @id', array(
'@id' => $user->uid,
), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, 'link');
// Save new password.
user_save($user, array(
'pass' => $random_password,
), 'account');
// Retrive email body and subject.
$message = _recovery_pass_mail_text('email_text', $language, TRUE, $user);
if ($message) {
// Replace [user_new_password] placeholder with new password.
$message = str_replace("[user_new_password]", $random_password, $message);
$subject = _recovery_pass_mail_text('email_subject', $language, TRUE, $user);
if (module_exists("htmlmail")) {
// For html mail convert new lines to br.
$message = nl2br($message);
$params = array(
'body' => $message,
'subject' => $subject,
$to = $user->mail;
$from = variable_get('site_mail');
if (drupal_mail('recovery_pass', 'recovery_pass', $to, language_default(), $params, $from, TRUE)) {
return TRUE;
else {
return services_error(t("Error Sending Recovery Mail. Please contact site administrator."), 406);