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README.txt in Recommender API 7.6

Recommender Example Readme

This example shows you how to use Recommender API to generate recommendations using collaborative filtering techniques.

It uses the example documented at:

Resnick, Paul, et al. "GroupLens: an open architecture for collaborative filtering of netnews."
Proceedings of the 1994 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work. ACM, 1994.

You might need to use the Devel module to generate at least 4 users (with uid from 1 to 4) and 6 nodes (with nid from 1 to 6) to see the examples in action.

(Explain how data is structured)

It only illustrate how to use the User-User recommender. We'll leave Item-Item recommender for you to explore yourself.

You might also need to enable the default Views.


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  1. Recommender Example Readme
  2. ==========================
  3. This example shows you how to use Recommender API to generate recommendations using collaborative filtering techniques.
  4. It uses the example documented at:
  5. Resnick, Paul, et al. "GroupLens: an open architecture for collaborative filtering of netnews."
  6. Proceedings of the 1994 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work. ACM, 1994.
  7. You might need to use the Devel module to generate at least 4 users (with uid from 1 to 4) and 6 nodes (with nid from 1 to 6) to see the examples in action.
  8. (Explain how data is structured)
  9. It only illustrate how to use the User-User recommender. We'll leave Item-Item recommender for you to explore yourself.
  10. You might also need to enable the default Views.