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function template_preprocess_recipe_view_plain_text in Recipe 8.2

Prepares variables for the plain text style template.

Default template: recipe-view-plain-text.html.twig.


array $variables: An associative array containing:

  • view: A ViewExecutable object.
  • options: An array of options. Each option contains:
    • hide_empty: Whether the field is to be hidden if empty.
  • rows: The raw row data.


./recipe.module, line 337
Contains functions for Recipe node CRUD and display.


function template_preprocess_recipe_view_plain_text(&$variables) {
  $view = $variables['view'];
  $variables['recipes'] = [];

  // During live preview we don't want to output the header since the contents
  // of the text are being displayed inside a normal HTML page.
  if (empty($variables['view']->live_preview)) {
      ->set('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8');

  // Strip HTML from the fields.
  foreach ($variables['rows'] as $row) {
    $recipe = [];

    // Process the row fields.
    foreach ($view->field as $id => $field) {

      // Render this even if set to exclude so it can be used elsewhere.
      $field_output = $view->style_plugin
        ->getField($row->index, $id);
      $empty = $field
        ->isValueEmpty($field_output, $field->options['empty_zero']);
      if (empty($field->options['exclude']) && (!$empty || empty($field->options['hide_empty']) && empty($variables['options']['hide_empty']))) {
        $object = new stdClass();
        $object->handler = $view->field[$id];

        // Set up default value of the flag that indicates whether to display a
        // colon after the label.
        $object->has_label_colon = FALSE;
        $object->content = wordwrap(_recipe_prepare_plain_text($field_output), $variables['options']['wordwrap_width']);
        if (isset($view->field[$id]->field_alias) && isset($row->{$view->field[$id]->field_alias})) {
          $object->raw = $row->{$view->field[$id]->field_alias};
        else {

          // Make sure it exists to reduce NOTICE.
          $object->raw = NULL;

        // Set up field label.
        $object->label = $view->field[$id]

        // Set up field label wrapper and its attributes.
        if ($object->label) {

          // Add a colon in a label suffix.
          if ($object->handler->options['element_label_colon']) {
            $object->label_suffix = ': ';
            $object->has_label_colon = TRUE;
        $recipe['fields'][$id] = $object;
    $variables['recipes'][] = $recipe;
  $variables['row_separator'] = strip_tags($variables['options']['row_separator']);