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function recipe_import_parse in Recipe 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 recipe.module \recipe_import_parse()
  2. 7.2 \recipe_import_parse()

Returns a parsed imported recipe based on the recipe_format.

All parser instances should return a $recipe object that looks like this:

$recipe = array( 'title' => 'recipe title string', 'ingredients' => array of ingredients items(below); 'instructions' => 'string of instructions' );

ingredients items = array( 'quantity' => 'ingredient_name' => 'unit_name' => 'unit_key' => see recipe_unit_fuzzymatch(). ==FALSE if no-match 'ingre_obj' => comes from database lookup: see recipe_ingredient_match(). ==FALSE if no-match );

2 calls to recipe_import_parse()
recipe_import_form_build_preview in ./recipe.module
Form submission handler for recipe_import_form() 'Preview' button.
recipe_import_form_submit in ./recipe.module
Form submission handler for recipe_import_form().


./recipe.module, line 1651
Contains functions for Recipe node CRUD and display.


function recipe_import_parse($form, &$form_state) {
  $import_function = $form_state['values']['recipe_format'];
  $text = $form_state['values']['recipe_import_text'];
  $recipe = array();
  if (function_exists($import_function)) {
    $recipe = call_user_func($import_function, $text);
    return $recipe;
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('Recipe import function does not exist(%the_function)', array(
      '%the_function' => $import_function,
    )), 'error');
    return FALSE;