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function recipe_mastercook4_format_ingredient in Recipe 7.2

Formats an ingredient for display as a MasterCook4 recipe.


string $name: The ingredient name.

string $quantity: The ingredient quantity.

string $unit: The units for the ingredient quantity.

string $note: The ingredient preparation note.

Return value

string The formatted ingredient.

1 call to recipe_mastercook4_format_ingredient()
merge_template in modules/recipe_mastercook4.module


modules/recipe_mastercook4.module, line 216
Enables importing and exporting of MasterCook4 format recipes.


function recipe_mastercook4_format_ingredient($name, $quantity = ' ', $unit = '', $note = '') {

  // Concatenate the ingredient note to the name, if set.
  if (!empty($note)) {
    $name .= ' -- ' . $note;
  $name = wordwrap($name, 66, "\n                        ");
  $output = sprintf("%8s  %-12s  %s\n", $quantity, $unit, $name);
  return $output;