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function template_preprocess_recaptcha_custom_widget in reCAPTCHA 8

Prepares variables for reCAPTCHA custom widget templates.

Default template: recaptcha-custom-widget.html.twig.


array $variables: An associative array which contains translations for widget interface.


./recaptcha.module, line 232
Uses the reCAPTCHA web service to improve the CAPTCHA system.


function template_preprocess_recaptcha_custom_widget(&$variables) {
  $variables = array(
    'recaptcha_only_if_incorrect_sol' => t('Incorrect please try again.'),
    'recaptcha_only_if_image_enter' => t('Enter the words above:'),
    'recaptcha_only_if_audio_enter' => t('Enter the words you hear:'),
    'recaptcha_get_another_captcha' => t('Get another CAPTCHA'),
    'recaptcha_only_if_image' => t('Get an audio CAPTCHA'),
    'recaptcha_only_if_audio' => t('Get an image CAPTCHA'),
    'help' => t('Help'),