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function _realname_make_name in Real Name 6

Helper function for realname_make_name. Using selected fields, build the "real name" field in the object.


$account - the user object to update.:

Return value

The constructed "real name" string.

4 calls to _realname_make_name()
realname_make_name in ./realname.module
Retreive calculated user name. Try static cache first, DB next and on failure call helper function to calculate realname and populate DB.
realname_update_6102 in ./realname.install
Implementation of hook_update_N().
realname_user in ./realname.module
Implements hook_user().
_realname_rebuild_realnames in ./
Batchable function used to rebuild realnames


./realname.module, line 808


function _realname_make_name(&$account) {
  static $fields, $pattern_saved, $homepage, $use_theme, $type, $module, $module_info, $profile_privacy;
  $links =& realname_static('links', array());
  $edit =& realname_static('edit', array());

  // Get our controlling variables (static makes it once per page load).
  if (!isset($module)) {
    $module = variable_get('realname_profile_module', NULL);
    if ($module) {
      $module_info = realname_supported_modules($module);
      if (!$module_info || !module_exists($module)) {
        $module = FALSE;
      else {
        if (isset($module_info['file'])) {
          $path = !empty($module_info['path']) ? $module_info['path'] : drupal_get_path('module', $module);
          require_once $path . '/' . $module_info['file'];
        if (!isset($module_info['fields']) || $module_info['fields']) {
          $fields = variable_get('realname_fields', array());

          // Are there any fields assigned yet?
          if (!$fields) {

            // No, so just return the name.
            return $account->name;
          $pattern_saved = variable_get('realname_pattern', ' ');
        else {
          $fields = FALSE;
        $homepage = variable_get('realname_homepage', '');
        $use_theme = variable_get('realname_theme', TRUE);
        if (isset($module_info['type']) && $module_info['type']) {
          $type = variable_get('realname_profile_type', NULL);
        else {
          $type = FALSE;
        $profile_privacy = module_exists('profile_privacy');
  if (!$module) {
    drupal_set_message(t('No module is available for RealName.'), 'error');
    $string = $account->name;
  else {
    if (is_array($fields) && empty($fields)) {
      $string = $account->name;
    else {
      if ($fields === FALSE) {
        $string = module_invoke($module, 'realname_make', $account);
      else {
        if ($fields) {
          $pattern = $pattern_saved;

          // Has the profile been loaded?
          if (!isset($account->{key($fields)})) {
            $load_func = $module . '_load_profile';
            if (!function_exists($load_func)) {
              drupal_set_message(t('The profile load function (!module) was not found.', array(
                '!module' => $load_func,
              )), 'error');
              return $account->name;
            $load_func($account, $type);
            if ($profile_privacy) {
              profile_privacy_user('load', $edit, $account);
          $stuff = array();
          $i = 0;
          foreach ($fields as $name => $weight) {
            $private = 'private_' . $name;

            // This will let you see that a user is using Profile Privacy.
            //    if (isset($account->{$private})) {
            //      drupal_set_message("$account->name ($account->uid) has marked the $name field as private.");
            //    }
            $private_field = isset($account->{$private}) ? $account->{$private} : FALSE;
            if (isset($account->{$name}) && !empty($account->{$name}) && !$private_field) {
              if (is_array($account->{$name})) {
                $stuff['%' . $i] = $account->{$name}[0]['view'];
              else {
                $stuff['%' . $i] = $account->{$name};
            else {

              // If there is no value, remove the pattern piece, except the first.
              $pattern = str_replace('%' . $i, NULL, $pattern);

          // If no fields set, use username.
          if (count($stuff) == 0) {
            $stuff['%1'] = $account->name;
            $pattern = '%1';
          if (!empty($homepage) && !empty($account->{$homepage})) {
            $links[$account->uid] = $account->{$homepage};
          $string = trim(strtr($pattern, $stuff));
  if (empty($string)) {
    $string = $account->name;

  // Removes double spaces in case they are generated by patterns with empty
  // fields. See
  $string = preg_replace('/ {2,}/', ' ', $string);
  return html_entity_decode(filter_xss_admin($string));