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interface FrameworkInterface in Realistic Dummy Content 7.2

Same name in this branch
  1. 7.2 api/src/Framework/FrameworkInterface.php \Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Framework\FrameworkInterface
  2. 7.2 api/src/test/Framework/Drupal7Test.php \Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Framework\FrameworkInterface
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 api/src/Framework/FrameworkInterface.php \Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Framework\FrameworkInterface
  2. 8.2 api/src/test/Framework/Drupal7Test.php \Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Framework\FrameworkInterface
  3. 3.x api/src/Framework/FrameworkInterface.php \Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Framework\FrameworkInterface

Defines and abstracts all functions which are used by our module.


Expanded class hierarchy of FrameworkInterface

All classes that implement FrameworkInterface


api/src/Framework/FrameworkInterface.php, line 8


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interface FrameworkInterface {

   * Allows third-party modules to alter data.
  public function alter($type, &$data, &$context1 = NULL, &$context2 = NULL, &$context3 = NULL);

   * Gets configuration value.
  public function configGet($name, $default = NULL);

   * Create an entity.
   * @param array $info
   *   Associative array which can contain (defaults are the first
   *   value):
   *     entity_type => node|user|...
   *     dummy => FALSE|TRUE.
  public function createEntity($info = array());

   * Use devel generate to generate dummy content.
   * @param array $info
   *   Can contain:
   *     entity_type: user|node
   *     node_types: array
   *     users: array of users who can own a node
   *     title_legth
   *     num: int
   *     kill: bool.
  public function develGenerate($info);

   * Prints debugging information.
  public function debug($message, $info = NULL);

   * Checks whether an entity should be considered dummy content.
  public function entityIsDummy($entity, $type);

   * Retrieve properties of an entity.
   * Properties are different from fields. In Drupal 7, node titles are
   * properties, but field_image is a field. In Drupal 8, (almost?)
   * everything is a field.
   * @param object $entity
   *   A Drupal entity object.
   * @return array
   *   Array of properties.
  public function entityProperties($entity);

   * Retrieve information about one field.
   * @param string $name
   *   A field name.
   * @return array
   *   Information about a field, corresponds to the return of
   *   field_info_field() in Drupal 7.
  public function fieldInfoField($name);

   * Get information about fields.
  public function fieldInfoFields();

   * Return a Drupal 7-style field name if possible for a given entity.
   * For example if the field type is entity_reference, we can transform that
   * to taxonomy_term_reference for a given field in a given entity.
   * @param array $info
   *   An associative array which can contain "entity" and "field_name" and
   *   "machine_name".
   * @return string
   *   A Drupal 7-style field type machine name.
  public function fieldTypeMachineName($info);

   * Saves a file to disk.
  public function fileSave($drupal_file);

   * Return the default text filter.
   * @return string
   *   filtered_html or basic_html... depending on the framework.
  public function filteredHtml();

   * Formats a property to add it to an entity.
   * In Drupal 7, this might be array(LANGUAGE_NONE => ...); in Drupal8 it is
   * just the file id, or value.
   * @param string $type
   *   Can be 'file', 'value', ...
   * @param mixed $value
   *   A file, or string...
   * @param array $options
   *   Extra options such as the format.
   * @return mixed
   *   The file data formatted for placement in an entity.
  public function formatProperty($type, $value, $options = array());

   * Return the root path of the framework.
  public function frameworkRoot();

   * Retrieves all available vocabularies.
  public function getAllVocabularies();

   * Gets the bundle name of an entity.
  public function getBundleName($entity);

   * Retrives the property value for an entity.
  public function getEntityProperty(&$entity, $property);

   * Gets the path to a module or theme.
  public function getPath($type, $name);

   * React to an entity just before it is saved.
  public function hookEntityPresave($entity, $type);

   * Hook called in D7 when a user is inserted.
  public function hookUserInsert(&$edit, $account, $category);

   * Hook called in D7 when a user is saved.
  public function hookUserPresave(&$edit, $account, $category);

   * Check if a module exists.
  public function moduleExists($module);

   * Invokes all hooks.
  public function moduleInvokeAll($hook);

   * Gets a list of modules.
  public function moduleList();

   * Creates a new vocabulary term.
   * @param object $vocabulary
   *   The vocabulary object.
   * @param string $name
   *   The name of the new taxonomy term.
   * @return object
   *   The taxonomy term object.
  public function newVocabularyTerm($vocabulary, $name);

   * Sets the property of an entity.
  public function setEntityProperty(&$entity, $property, $value);

   * Gets state information.
  public function stateGet($name, $default = NULL);

   * Load a taxonomy tree.
   * @param object $vocabulary
   *   A Drupal vocabulary object.
   * @return array
   *   An array of taxonomy term objects.
   * @throws Exception
  public function taxonomyLoadTree($vocabulary);

   * Given a taxonomy term, return its id.
   * @param object $term
   *   Drupal taxonomy term object.
   * @return int
   *   The taxonomy term id.
   * @throws Exception
  public function termId($term);

   * Given a taxonomy term, return its name.
   * @param object $term
   *   Drupal taxonomy term object.
   * @return string
   *   The taxonomy term name, such as "Bananas".
   * @throws Exception
  public function termName($term);

   * Starts a timer, see timer_start() in Drupal 7.
  public function timerStart($id);

   * Stops a timer and returns data, see timer_stop() in Drupal 7.
  public function timerStop($id);

   * Return the filename of a user picture.
   * @param object $user
   *   A Drupal user object.
   * @return string
   *   A string representing the filename of the user picture if possible.
  public function userPictureFilename($user);

   * Delete a variable.
  public function variableDel($variable);

   * Returns the unique identifier for the vocabulary.
   * @param object $vocabulary
   *   The vocabulary object.
   * @return mixed
   *   A unique identifier for this framework.
  public function vocabularyIdentifier($vocabulary);

   * Given a vocabulary, return its name.
   * @param object $vocabulary
   *   A Drupal vocabulary object.
   * @return string
   *   A vocabulary machine name, such as "fruit".
   * @throws Exception
  public function vocabularyMachineName($vocabulary);

   * Logs something to the watchdog.
   * See watchdog() for more details on this function.
   * @param int $severity
   *   The litteral severity as defined in:
   *   The default being WATCHDOG_NOTICE or 5. We cannot use the constants here
   *   because PHPUnit and Drupal 8 do not know about them.
  public function watchdog($message, $severity = 5);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
FrameworkInterface::alter public function Allows third-party modules to alter data.
FrameworkInterface::configGet public function Gets configuration value.
FrameworkInterface::createEntity public function Create an entity.
FrameworkInterface::debug public function Prints debugging information.
FrameworkInterface::develGenerate public function Use devel generate to generate dummy content.
FrameworkInterface::entityIsDummy public function Checks whether an entity should be considered dummy content.
FrameworkInterface::entityProperties public function Retrieve properties of an entity.
FrameworkInterface::fieldInfoField public function Retrieve information about one field.
FrameworkInterface::fieldInfoFields public function Get information about fields.
FrameworkInterface::fieldTypeMachineName public function Return a Drupal 7-style field name if possible for a given entity.
FrameworkInterface::fileSave public function Saves a file to disk.
FrameworkInterface::filteredHtml public function Return the default text filter.
FrameworkInterface::formatProperty public function Formats a property to add it to an entity.
FrameworkInterface::frameworkRoot public function Return the root path of the framework.
FrameworkInterface::getAllVocabularies public function Retrieves all available vocabularies.
FrameworkInterface::getBundleName public function Gets the bundle name of an entity.
FrameworkInterface::getEntityProperty public function Retrives the property value for an entity.
FrameworkInterface::getPath public function Gets the path to a module or theme.
FrameworkInterface::hookEntityPresave public function React to an entity just before it is saved.
FrameworkInterface::hookUserInsert public function Hook called in D7 when a user is inserted.
FrameworkInterface::hookUserPresave public function Hook called in D7 when a user is saved.
FrameworkInterface::moduleExists public function Check if a module exists.
FrameworkInterface::moduleInvokeAll public function Invokes all hooks.
FrameworkInterface::moduleList public function Gets a list of modules.
FrameworkInterface::newVocabularyTerm public function Creates a new vocabulary term.
FrameworkInterface::setEntityProperty public function Sets the property of an entity.
FrameworkInterface::stateGet public function Gets state information.
FrameworkInterface::taxonomyLoadTree public function Load a taxonomy tree.
FrameworkInterface::termId public function Given a taxonomy term, return its id.
FrameworkInterface::termName public function Given a taxonomy term, return its name.
FrameworkInterface::timerStart public function Starts a timer, see timer_start() in Drupal 7.
FrameworkInterface::timerStop public function Stops a timer and returns data, see timer_stop() in Drupal 7.
FrameworkInterface::userPictureFilename public function Return the filename of a user picture.
FrameworkInterface::variableDel public function Delete a variable.
FrameworkInterface::vocabularyIdentifier public function Returns the unique identifier for the vocabulary.
FrameworkInterface::vocabularyMachineName public function Given a vocabulary, return its name.
FrameworkInterface::watchdog public function Logs something to the watchdog.